Posts by izogi
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Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
Hi chris.
The dirty politics campaign will continue unchecked indefinitely unless the left drops a couple of scruples here and there and get our hands dirty instead of playing for the intervention of some omniscient referee’s whistle.
Maybe I’m being too presumptious but I’d hoped that some of the National Party’s own members and supporters might have recognised and drawn a line on where this is going. At the very least stand up to and tell their favourite party that it’s severely sick, and demand change, instead of ineffectively complaining to their neighbours about how "they’re all useless and corrupt but that’s politics". Why is “that” politics?
In the end, maybe it will have to be “fixed” by a political opposition, if it’s even possible without multipartisan support, but the risk in this is that it confuses constitutional change for transparency and robust good government with ideological partisan meddling.
Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
that he appears noisy to you probably suggests a bit about his ego
It’s more just that he came out and publicly stated he’s been a long time reader Slater’s blog, and liked supporting it. I really struggle to understand the mentality of saying that about a guy who so constantly writes disgusting, inflammatory and cruel things, sometimes in exchange for money and sometimes to get attention.
If he’s a business man, how is that good business? Why would anyone want to publicly admit to this, unless they’re an idiot, let alone a highly influential figure with the reputation of their business on the line? For example, what did he think about Slater’s dead-feral-in-Greymouth comments? Is taking money to assassinate people’s characters an acceptable thing as long as you’re not the target? I have no idea what he thinks, but they’re suddenly relevant questions.
Or was he only a long-time reader for the “sunlight” and “good challenging discussions” which surround funny cat pictures?
Until now, I’d thought of Xero as quite a neat and successful company that employs more than a few of my friends. Now I’m struggling to avoid seeing it as the product of the type of sewer dweller I detest.
Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
The thing I find most surprising is that Rod Drury was advertising in the internet’s sump pit in the first place.
Maybe being a long time reader had something to do with it, which I'm also quite surprised he so noisily admitted to.
If he were quiet, people might at least have assumed he was simply ignorant about where the advertising $$$ were going. Now I just have an ugly impression of a guy I previously knew little about.
Just to add further to the the Heather du Plesss-Allan raid story, David Fisher has an article from last night.
He suggests that the mail order form which she was shown filling out on TV is not the one that was used to order the firearm, that based on handwriting analysis the latter might have been filled out by someone different, and that searching for other copies of of the mail order form (another stated objective on the warrant) may be another reason why Police were so interested in searching their home.
By all accounts, the driver of this car deliberately entered the cycleway and drove towards a family heading up on their bikes. The driver laughed before reversing out and exiting via Cook Street, presumably breaching the no-right-turn sign there.
Sorry if I’ve missed something in the comments. But especially given there’s photographic evidence, including a registration plate, has this incident been reported in any way?
This morning's Morning Report carries a story about how Australian deportees are being made to sign a document which effectively waives their right to an appeal when choosing to leave Australia. The full form (pdf) is linked from that article, as well as an audio clip interview with an Australian lawyer.
This is despite John Key's assurances, after speaking to Malcolm Turnbull, that deportees would be able to continue their appeals from New Zealand without disadvantage.
Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
A link won’t generate a cookie… they don’t work that way.
I'm not following the relevance of this cookie discussion, but as far as I can tell the cookies from are coming from that flag picture which Pete included in his Dec 7th "Last few days for flag vote" post. Is this where the confusion is?
If I delete all my cookies, then directly re-load this image, the cookies come straight back, so I'd assume that's the source of those cookies---they get set when your web browser goes direct to and requests the image. Furthermore if I do the same but load some random other page from Pete's blog which doesn't include the image, I don't get those cookies.
They're not identical to the ones in John's' screenshot, but I wouldn't really expect them to be because a major purpose of cookies is usually to distinguish between different people by assigning them different values A security expert may know better, but most likely I'd think it's just some kind of standard session tracking built into the web server or CMS. What's the concern?
Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
Has the country already forgotten the rigged inquiry which cleared Collins of something minor, conveniently ignoring her gunning for Adam Feely, providing confidential and private information to Slater and using taxpayer money to promote hubby’s business? Actually, the terms of the inquiry avoided most of those transgressions, didn’t it.
Don't worry.
I'm fully confident that under John Key as Prime Minister, she'll merely be back onto her final final Final FINAL *FINAL* warning status.
Just ... one ... slip...... and she'll be trampled under the rug again for her transgressions. Wait for it....
I won't excuse it, but I also don't think this is necessarily a recent thing.
My exposure to the circular-delivery industry, in the late 1990s as a student, was sadly eerily similar. Soon after signing up, I rationally equated the rate with near slave labour. This was partly due to the absurdly low rate, but also because it was effectively a zero-hour contract where I was required to remain available on short notice, yet no work was being provided. (One relatively small delivery in two months of being on call!)
I didn't last long in that job. At the time I'd been pushed into it by my parents, but it didn't take long to convince them that it was outright abuse of the employment situation, wasting masses of time, requiring to be endlessly on call, for virtually no compensation. Today I'm never surprised when I see large numbers of circulars dumped around the streets.
I'd hoped my own experience wasn't representative of the industry, but perhaps not, and maybe nothing's changed after 20 years.
Speaker: Waitara and the perils of…, in reply to
Has anyone found an actual published report that can be read? I can’t see anything obvious on the Ombudsman’s website.
To answer my own question, Jane Patterson's analysis from this morning indicates that it's about to be released.