Posts by Christopher Dempsey

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  • Up Front: After the Big Gay Revolution,

    It's a bit more than sarcasm. I view it as cultural jamming, a deliberate move to subvert the frames within which those stories are told.


    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    Again, show me actual evidence that the IRB decreed "waterfront". I've seen nothing to support that.

    Sorry my mistake - I suspect we offered up Fanzones, IRB accepted. Location of said Fanzones to be worked out subsequently - I don't think IRB would dictate where these would be (and why should they?).

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    I don't mind it. Melbourne has an ultra-large screen above Federation Square, and it makes a wonderful public space.

    That it does... watched Tennis Open there in Feb this year. Lovely atmosphere. The free wifi helped enormously.

    I'm not aiming for the abstract here. It's a simple enough question. Snedden is quoted as saying they have to deliver a fan zone on the waterfront. It would be nice to know if that was decreed by the IRB or mad-dog McCully or if it's not true.

    Decreed by IRB I understand but Russell could be correct - we offered, they accepted. Inflated and 'handled' beyond all recognition by McCully.

    Mystery is why didn't Snedden come out earlier? Was Napoleon McCully sitting on him?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    ACP wanted an app, but with the constraint that they didn't have extra resource for layout, which is what Wired et al use (they create separate PNG layouts for each iPad orientation and don't support iPhone). ACP also wanted to support both iOS devices if possible.

    So we built a solution that renders ePub files more or less directly from InDesign (there is a small amount of pre-processing that ACP does). Once the ePub files arrive on the device (packaged as an issue that you buy through in-app purchase), we automatically prepare and cache dynamic one and two-column layouts from the article data in the file. We support iPhone (including retina display, portrait only) and iPad in both orientations. The page layouts are styled with CSS and rendered as web views within the native app, over which we've added intra- and inter-article swipe navigation. Titles are rendered with SVG fonts (the only format supported in web views).

    We've been able to retain print staples like inline images, styled pullquotes, etc, and we support inline/fullscreen video and a built-in photo gallery that collects and displays all images from each article. Our approach to building pages is smart enough to slightly rearrange the order of items to avoid gaping holes around full-page images, which was no mean feat!


    I think you mean " rocks!".

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    After Trevor Mallard's moment of 'rush-of-blood-to-the-head-itis'?

    Plausible. Concepts like using the waterfront don't arrive perfectly formed - they are contingent, built upon, layer upon layer till either it comes off nicely, or doesn't.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    And I'll just point out that alot of decisions about entertainment around RWC tend to be justified AFTER the fact.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    as informed as council officers could be. I think it was more along the lines of 'wait - we're refurbishing Aotea Square - ummm and there's a big wall overlooking it - I know, lets put a telly up to use during RWC!!'.

    I don't think it was terribly informed - just something along the lines of "rush-of-blood-to-the-head-itis". Enthusiasm and all that.

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: The truth about "Party Central",

    whoops, followed Sacha on another thread...

    That counts as news, given that Auckland City Council were presumably briefed before they decided to invest public money in Aotea Square as the only CBD fanzone with its new, expensive big screen. Did something change, or did Councillors make a 7-figure decision without proper information?

    The concrete in the Civic carpark was found to be failing some years ago. Investigations revealed that the car park would have to be shut and the roof of the carpark, which is the floor of Aotea Square plus adjoining bits of grass, would have to be torn up and replaced.

    (I imagine some tightwad male in the 80s decided to build on the cheap using cheap concrete.)

    In the event - the car park was kept open minus a few carparks as they were needed to house the jacks that kept the roof up. When I saw this I refused to go into the car park or use it until very recently.

    The opportunity was taken to freshen up the much loved square and the front of the Aotea Centre.

    This situation occurred months before RWC even came into being so no, Aotea Sq has nothing to do with RWC.

    Given that, someone in this current council decided that it would a perfect place for some kind of party - all they had to do was find money for a big telly screen.

    So the outlay is only on a telly screen.

    As far as RWC is concerned, wearing my elected rep hat, RWC is obliged to provide areas where ordinary members of the public can gather and watch the action on some big screens. This was to compenstate the good folk of the city for their inconvenience and for the fact that ticket prices would be out of reach for many.

    That's your 'party central' - which once one Mr John Key decided to christen it as a 'party central' (booze palace nudge nudge wink wink) - well there was no stopping some mediocre journalists from having a field day. I really wish John would put a sock in it sometimes and STFU. And I really wish that he had not put Mr McCully in charge; all he has done is fuck up the timing of everything for the sake of his ego , the hallmark of a piss poor politician.

    Doffing said hat.

    And Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie?? WTF? In that case I bags be the disabled child with stumps for arms in Kerre's blended family. What on earth has Kerre been smoking?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behind the Paywall,

    That counts as news, given that Auckland City Council were presumably briefed before they decided to invest public money in Aotea Square as the only CBD fanzone with its new, expensive big screen. Did something change, or did Councillors make a 7-figure decision without proper information?

    The concrete in the Civic carpark was found to be failing some years ago. Investigations revealed that the car park would have to be shut and the roof of the carpark, which is the floor of Aotea Square plus adjoining bits of grass, would have to be torn up and replaced.

    (I imagine some tightwad male in the 80s decided to build on the cheap using cheap concrete.)

    In the event - the car park was kept open minus a few carparks as they were needed to house the jacks that kept the roof up. When I saw this I refused to go into the car park or use it until very recently.

    The opportunity was taken to freshen up the much loved square and the front of the Aotea Centre.

    This situation occurred months before RWC even came into being so no, Aotea Sq has nothing to do with RWC.

    Given that, someone in this current council decided that it would a perfect place for some kind of party - all they had to do was find money for a big telly screen.

    So the outlay is only on a telly screen.

    As far as RWC is concerned, wearing my elected rep hat, RWC is obliged to provide areas where ordinary members of the public can gather and watch the action on some big screens. This was to compenstate the good folk of the city for their inconvenience and for the fact that ticket prices would be out of reach for many.

    That's your 'party central' - which once one Mr John Key decided to christen it as a 'party central' (booze palace nudge nudge wink wink) - well there was no stopping some mediocre journalists from having a field day. I really wish John would put a sock in it sometimes and STFU. And I really wish that he had not put Mr McCully in charge; all he has done is fuck up the timing of everything for the sake of his ego , the hallmark of a piss poor politician.

    Doffing said hat.

    And Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie?? WTF? In that case I bags be the disabled child with stumps for arms in Kerre's blended family. What on earth has Kerre been smoking?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wanna Route?,

    I've taken home an office chair strapped into it.

    So that wouldn't be you with a sofa strapped into it snapped a few weeks ago and featured in Sideswipe?

    Parnell / Tamaki-Auckland… • Since Sep 2008 • 659 posts Report

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