Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    the act would not "protect" us against the enemy that the police consider to be the real enemy. ie Maori. or for that matter anyone that would stand against the international agreements that we have in regards to trade

    I don't really think the coppers are worried about international trade agreements. I'm sure they'd argue they've got enough on their plates as it is.

    The real freedom here is to be able to say "I want to destroy GE crops" or whatever, without fear of being locked up for it under some ill thought out law.

    So are you saying that if someone says "I want to destroy GE crops" or whatever, but doesn't actually mean it ie they're mouthing off, then they shouldn't be arrested? Or do you mean that if someone says "I want to destroy GE crops" or whatever, and means it (and starts planning to turn those words into action), that they shouldn't be arrested?
    And if you think they shouldn't be arrested I presume you'd agree they should be arrested when they actually destroy GE Crops. Or do you think that it is an ethical crime and they should maybe be arrested, held in the cells for a day, and then released without charge? Or should we instead shave the heads of the farmers growing the crops and march them through town with signs around their necks reading "Monsanto Collaborators"?

    Is that ex-SAS & now a cop who heads drug enforcement or are we in blurred lines?

    Or just a bullshit artist who can't get his story straight?

    I think I'm alone now.

    Sorry, I was watching The L Word.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fake Fiona Rae,


    Yeah, I'm with 3410 on this. Whilst I'm happy for you, what about the rest of us? What if my local copshop has fully operational printers? Should I offer to wash his patrol car? His private car? Take out his ugly sister?

    Your anecdote really only tells us that the cops could catch the crims if they could be arsed, but they can't.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    heh heh

    and for anyone who still needs an excuse to stay indoors, chained to their computer, even tho' it's sunny outside...

    who can make an anagram out of :

    Tuhoe Tama Terrorist

    An internet programme came up with:

    a a em riot trust other

    But I'm sure PAS readers can do better. Winner will recieve a date with Russell brown. Or his wife. Your choice (cos you'll be paying).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    I wish you guys would stop criticising the Sensible Sentencing Trust and actually talk to them or work with them for a long term solution to crime. They are not rednecks or fundies or self promoting like some other groups you mention and we agree on.

    Sensible Sentencing does a lot of work with victims of crime and in helping draft legislation with political parties across the board.

    I'm not attributing this to SST but there has been in a lot of focus in the media the past 3 days about how a jury were not allowed to hear that Michael Curran was free on bail awaiting trial for another killing when he killed Tauranga toddler Aaliyah Morrissey.

    What the jury didn't know: Baby's killer was on bail

    How was that relevant to the Morrisey case? Where is the unfairness (in the jury not knowing)? The jury still managed to find him guilty. A prior act is no proof of guilt for a seperate charge. If 'prior convictions' becomes admissable in court I can bet the crime clearance rates will improve rapidly. The cops will just arrest anyone with 'form' in the vicinity.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Is Woodham in competition with Coddington to be New Zealand's answer to Ann Coulter?

    Has either of them called anyone on the Left a __faggott__??

    ... actually I heard Willie Jackson dismiss someone as a poofter on Radio Live on Friday afternoon. Gave me quite a shock ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Wake up and smell the…,

    each time I've sat down to write about it I have lost the will

    Must. Blog. Or. I. Will. Die.

    You're in freaking France fer chrissakes! Have a holiday fergawdsakes! However did you survive before the Internet was invented?


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    ... which kinda ties in to a point I made this morning in Radiation Kracklite ...

    Are we now living in a world where we are 'doped up' to keep happy? We get just enough of 'the good shit' to be content and not cause problems ...... we don't care because we've got our mobile phones, our Plasma TV's, and ... girls on horseback eating burgers.

    BTW - was I the only one to spot Leighton Smith on the TV news footage of that march?

    FWIW - if anyone wants to protest march then all power to them. Dismissing them as 'middleclass' is a s silly as dismissing others as 'Rent-A-Demo'. As with any march, we can choose to join in or not join. (Or stand on the sidelines pointing and laughing).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    I just don't like my letter box being spammed with glossy paper. What am I supposed to do with it. The toxic crap doesn't burn well.

    Are you talking about catalogues from K-Mart? or flyers from Exclusive Bretheren? Or Pledge Cards from Labour?

    Putting your name to what you say; Well isn't that what we do here at public address system?

    Sure, by all means lets ammend my proposed legislation:

    make it an offense not to put your name to any material you distribute including comments on PAS

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    But I wish people would stop saying it's taking away their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the ability to stand up in parliament, a street corner, a park, a house etc, and say what you want. And have the media report it as such.

    __And in today's news:__ A man stood in his front garden denouncing the actions of the government...

    Yeah, right. C'mon Kyle, Freedom Of Speech is the right to deliver 1,000,000 pamphlets expressing your views. And this proposed legislation will stop that. I get that Labour are really pissed with the Exclusive Bretheren, but maybe the solution might have been to make it an offense not to put your name to any material you distribute.

    But no, Labour want to 'cap' everything because they're worried National might have more money.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Desperate Heroes,

    which, of course, pretty much sums up young people of any generation

    Heh heh. Yes, I knew I was going to get that (cos it's true!) even as I wrote it. But I think what I wrote is true too, and your response has raised an interesting point. Are we now living in a world where we are 'doped up' to keep happy? We get just enough of 'the good shit' to be content and not cause problems?

    We might be living in a free society but half of the world isn't and life for them is still a struggle. But we don't care because we've got our mobile phones, our Plasma TV's, and ... girls on horseback eating burgers.

    Meanwhile the MegaRich (I was going to call them capitalists, but I consider myself one so the word can't describe us both, and what they do is waaayyy beyond capitalism) are buying up the planet.

    Check out this story:
    The merged company would be one of the five largest in the world by market value
    If you think 'so what?' then I've made my point. (Or not)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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