Posts by Joe Wylie

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  • Hard News: Celebrity Gibberish,

    When I was four I rode down it on Toddles, my giraffe.

    Hey, respect! And here was me thinking that Alan Gibbs started this whole privately owned giraffe thing. You've certainly been pushing back the envelope from an early age.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    I've wished for a long time that this wasn't the case, but I've found almost everything Witi Ihimaera's put out -- ever since his early short stories -- to be lamentable tripe.

    I haven't read all of his work, as the cloying piety that pervades The Whale Rider (not so much the film, mercifully) pretty much killed my interest. While I don't wish Ihimaera any undue ill, the current revelations seem to be a healthy symptom that, when it comes to art and things indigenous, we've moved beyond the need for sanctimony.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    If Gavrilo Princip had never fired that fatal shot in Sarajevo the Austro-Hungarian empire would never have fallen, and we'd be living in a world of industrial-strength kitsch.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    True, perhaps Hone was trying to convey theological French history and his preference for approaching indigenous rights through the lens of Roman Catholicism...

    Probably. Although he may not have read Dan Brown, he's seen the movie.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    I'm guessing it means "first amongst equals"?

    That's the problem with communicating this way. If you could just see the other bastard's tie, you'd get a pretty fair idea of whether they'd have sufficient Latin to patronise you.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    And are willing to embrace racial stereotyping to do it?

    The whole thing was an attempt at satire. While it ran for around 90 minutes, after half an hour it seemed that spoofing someone as preposterous as Archer was a tough call.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Busytown: A good read,

    Stead, love him or loathe him . . .

    When you've produced lines like Lucan chanting Lucan while the suicidal blood / Marches true to one commander from the wrists in final flood, it's no longer a case of loving or loathing. Major respect.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    i just dont think it's as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be . . .

    I more or less agree, though the reservations Harawira has expressed about the dead rats that he feels his party has had to swallow would seem a lot less self-serving if he'd gone public with them before the current outbreak of silliness.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    What Just thinking said.

    Back when Dalvanius Prime travelled to London to make initial arrangements for Patea Maori's appearance in the Royal Variety Show he visited Harrods, where he bought a wide selection of the lowest-priced items he could find. On his return, all the local Patea kids got to take their lunch to school in Harrods bags. Wonder what Hone H brought back for his wider whanau?

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

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