Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: I Am: An authentic autism…, in reply to
Hard News: They want to blow it all up, in reply to
That is horrifying: much worse than the Human Rights Council. I had no idea. Thanks for highlighting it.
I may have my lefty-liberal card withdrawn for saying so, but I agree. It’s way more serious than the UN Human Rights Council.
My attention has been drawn to this poll in which more than half of Republicans said they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election if Trump suggested it.
Nearly as many believed Trump had won the popular vote.
We are fucking doomed.
Hard News: They want to blow it all up, in reply to
Putin’s whole intention is to undermine the rules-based world, returning to a 19th Century system where the powerful states can rule unimpeded.
Or, more likely I think, to weaken everyone else and bring them down to Russia’s level.
It’s the rational for Russian interference in the Brexit referendum, as well as the US election.
Absolutely. It all joins up. What really gives me the shits is coming across fools from (ostensibly) both left and right who want to go along with it. It feels to me like Trump apologism is becoming more common outside America.
The righties expose themselves as never having truly believed in the “conservative principles” they espoused, and the lefties basically don’t want to give up their boners for Julian Assange. I mean really, there's no foul action from Trump that won't prompt those idiots to try and bring up Hillary Clinton again.
Hard News: They want to blow it all up, in reply to
The question I’m unsure about is who benefits?
And as if everything else wasn't enough, a class action lawsuit alleges that a private facility housing immigrant minors has been forcibly drugging infant minors with powerful antipsychotics.
Hard News: I Am: An authentic autism…, in reply to
And it’s only now that I have longer periods of time of not feeling like that that I can appreciate how savagely taxing it is to be that anxious all the time.
I don't have your experience, but I've seen that. I think it has impacts in all kind of ways. You lay down memories differently under stress, for example.
Oh, and some more African goodness. The first ep of Rita Ray’s BBC 4 doco Africa: A Journey into Music is up on YouTube:
An important story by RNZ's Kate Newton on the miserable standard of evidence the Tenancy Tribunal has accepted in “meth contamination” cases. People were effectively “convicted” on a balance of probabilities.
Hard News: All or Nothing: Accidentally Great, in reply to
Was rung up Morning Report last week, to give an opinion on this. Will have to watch it now.
I'll be interested to know your thoughts. The main reason I loathe most reality TV is that it hinges on generating the worst, most petty aspects of human nature. And while this uses the same format, it doesn't do that. This may not have been entirely intentional.