Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Cracker: Get it Off,


    I like you look into the body politic.

    Most women I know who have had plastic surgery have had breast reductions.

    Two exceptions: One sales rep used to have surgery at least once a year. I think it's actually how she kept her job as long as she did- she was in her 50/60s. The other is a friend of a friend (3 degrees of seperation in CHCH) and works in the industry, similarly the new boobs which she'll flash in a flash are an investment.

    I suffer from that bloke issue - I seriously have to have a double take at any reflection or photo before i see myself.
    My self image has a full head of hair, one chin, a six pack, no glasses.
    They (I) will not grow old ... or age weary them (me) ... if I deny deny deny.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Most of the little girls I see in dodgy t-shirts don't have a choice - that's all they've to wear.

    Rather than a continuum of clothing to stripping.

    I see it from say modelling to stripping & beyond. Kylie Bax & Rachel Hunter for example, once models then strippers.
    That maybe feeling/dressing a certain way (once you have a choice) maybe for your own pleasure but modelling etc is for others.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Must type faster - sorry for the duplication

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    I think Georgina Byer has to be one of the most remarkable people I've ever met (OK I listened to her speak).
    Tell all before you go into politics and no fish hooks to snag on during your time in office.
    Does she count as a women in this discussion?
    If so isn't she the barometer of how far we have come?

    Emma I had Billys Romero playing in my head yesty

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Must-have Mayoralty,

    D4J sounded a bit like Hopeful Christian

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Must-have Mayoralty,

    Elisis Livingstone scares me.
    She talks about some people having more than a double helix(maybe 12) and they were the closest to the people from Atlantis. This is the same shit the Nazis talked about. Their specially empowered people were Aryans. Once they combined with a cult of science, well you know the story from there on. Hitler was a hippy & Himler was a nudist.

    Saying that I've worked a few full moons on the door & the bloody Nor' Wester can have an impact on moods (not to mention alcohol & drugs)

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Good old marxisims money is power & now with Xmas coming up in a few months how many young mums wanting to do the best by their kids will enter the industry?

    A fave song of mine
    Son Hickory Hollars Tramp
    Oh the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading
    to our cabin and above the door there burned a scarlet
    Lamp and late at night a hand would knock and there
    would stand a stranger Yes i'm the son of hickory
    hollars Tramp.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pills, not so many thrills,

    Hydrogen cars are a smoke screen. I've just bought a new bike (love bikes)

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    "Pretty Woman, on the other hand, made prostitution seem like a really fun job"

    Which is why Ken Russell wrote & Directed WHORE starring Theresa Russell.

    Elizabeth Berkley was in ShowGirls (& that's the last anyone saw of her).

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    I was trying to allude to the fact that as 'good' as it gets the sex industry (XX/XY XY/XX XY/XY etc) gets it's always bad.

    Stephen Judd where are you?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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