Posts by Caleb D'Anvers

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  • Hard News: The Short and Long of It,

    Having user profile pages with links to individual comments (a la, say, Metafilter) would be awesome as well. I don't know how technically feasible that is.

    But one thing that slightly gnawed on my last nerve was the bitching about PA's more discursive essay-style posts.

    Yeah. That irritated me as well. The miscellaneous and discursive nature of PA one of the things I like most about the site. Perhaps it's that I've essentially grown up with Hard News (I started listening as a high school kid in '91 or '92), but there's a sense of continuity and history implied in the format -- a smooth line of transition from radio broadcast to email bulletin to community blog. Perhaps you have to know that history to truly 'get' the site; I don't know. That would be a shame.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Our new strategy is to FAIL,

    Their music is essentially imposed on us as our "culture" and they want to own it outright. Sorry......They can keep it.

    How very ... T. W. Adorno. I like it!

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Swine flu and swearing,

    Robyn has had a swine cold.

    Wow. i think I had the exact same bug on the exact same days . It did make the MJ news that little bit more surreal.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    Man, I am so having a Lost marathon this weekend ...

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    I wouldn't put it past her.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    OK then:

    The planet will get on just fine, plus or minus (okay, minus) a few species. Then new life forms will emerge, and evolve, and maybe one of them will become as poisonous for themselves and the others as we are, but perhaps this time they'll manage to develop the Green Party in time.

    Well, recent estimates suggest that the planet's CO2 levels will decrease to the point where photosynthesis is no longer possible within 600 million years, so there might be the chance for another Green Party to emerge. So I guess we should appreciate the one we've already got.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    Don't just back it up. Leave a copy in another town.

    I studied under a guy who was rumoured to have accidentally dropped his almost-completed PhD thesis down a stormwater drain. The pre-electronic world was a cruel place.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    Mind you, Vancouver is not without its horrors - the number of homeless people jumped (in 15 years) from under 100 to somewhere between 15 and 17,000 - which is a lot of people to be begging in the streets and sleeping rough.

    Interesting. I'm just back from a week in Victoria, BC, and the homeless problem is very visible there, too. The rumour I heard is that Vancouver's homeless are being given bus tickets out of the city in advance of the Winter Olympics next year, and that a lot of them are ending up in Victoria.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Southerly: Special Guest Michael Laws on…,

    I had the misfortune to hear a few minutes of Laws on breakfast yesterday morning, and this is scarily accurate.

    Some choice quotes (from memory, obviously):

    "This beat-up is the New Zealand media at its worst."

    "Richard Worth is a man who has done nothing wrong ."

    It's OK, because "everyone in parliament" does stuff like this, followed by the assertion that something Lianne Dalziel did x years ago was much worse, because "she lied to the House." There may have been sexist aside at this point that Dalziel was still around, "scoffing large amounts of buffet," and hadn't resigned like the noble and untarnished Worth.

    So, um, yeah.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    But doesn't improving IT infrastructure help productivity? I welcome any journos following up on this one.

    Surely a Windows box full of expensive, proprietary software that needs updating every 8.6 seconds should be enough for any government department? Anyone who says otherwise is clearly a nasty longhair who hates capitalism.

    London SE16 • Since Mar 2008 • 482 posts Report

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