Posts by David Slack

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  • Island Life: Still not over it,

    Check out these numbers.

    And look at that obesity graph!

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Still not over it,

    North Shore munter subspecies

    None taken.

    We're headed for your Belgian beer bar with our strangled vowels.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Still not over it,

    I don't know what it was like in the busy streets in the Big Smoke, but in little Feilding, back when I was learning to smoke, the streets would be five-wide with kids on bikes. Sheer mass made them safe. That's what I want.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Still not over it,

    Greg said:

    Auckland weather is too random.

    Yes, but it should be more tolerable (ie a little more stable) , from now until next June, than it has been the last two godforsaken months. I hope.

    There are loads of hills and ridges. Shots of thousands of everyday people riding around Copenhagen or Amsterdam on granny bikes *do not* apply to Auckland.

    The biggest surprise for me in getting back on a bike after many years was to discover that things had changed mightily since I rode my old 10-speed. 27 gears! Holy shit! No hill on this isthmus scares me. Although I haven't tried the Bullock Track.

    Suburban distances between private dwellings and local amenities are car distances

    No good for a family outing to Titirangi, true. But many of the trips I make are shorter than that and entirely viable. Get enough of a crowd of cyclists perpetually present on the streets, and you will get a completely different dynamic, which is the sort of thing I had in mind in the 'vision' you imputed to me.

    And John said:

    do any cyclists care to comment on my modified shuttle bus idea, posted above?

    The proposition to get cyclists to start up a van scheme seems a cumbersome and indirect method to get us to prove our good faith and our number. Change the setting and more people will come out, is what I'm saying.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    Kinder, gentler, please
    Dear Leader is too raucous
    Key has woman's voice

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    He didn't bloody show up in Devonport either, even though the letter with his signature at its foot rather craftily implied he might.

    I must write a post about it.

    And kudos for getting that most hilarious of names into this thread. Can't get enough of those Walloons. (Said the man who was never mocked for his own one.)

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    There is a disjointed quality to National's ad that says to me "we are really quite strange people"

    I believe an earlier draft read:

    You only come back to a dump like this if you're a godwit or a fuckwit

    Had a nice ring, but it was discarded for sounding too much like the line the ACT people have been using: everyone in NZ with get up and go has got up and gone. I am not kidding. That's the line they used to kick off a meeting in our neighbourhood last month. Couldn't believe my ears. I naturally muttered to myself, because it is my wont, "none taken."

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    Wave goodbye to Maurice Williamson.
    He was a little too exuberant

    Meet the new Moz. Same as the old Moz.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    actually thinking more about it it does lend itself to a haiku form factor ....

    Yes! Here's one just for you.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

  • Island Life: Serving suggestion only,

    But where is the "more" advertised?

    Inadvertent metaphor on my part.

    Hayden, yes that had crossed my mind. Who would like one?

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts Report

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