Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Speaker: It's On,

    How can I national character truely be measured with all of this miscegenation?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's On,

    Is Heino just an NZ based sponsor?

    I seem to remeber the All Blacks Red Tape over their Steinlager sponsored jerseys a few years back.

    In Canty DB are infamous for taking kids CD raincoats off them in the pouring rain. Not that anyone would see the CD over the kids tums anyway - much like the CD seat cushion they took off the grannies.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday funnies, mostly,

    I don't have the specifics with me, but from wind alone NZ has 4 times its current power consumption level in wind resources. The practicalities of capturing this resource means we will only use a fraction, but you're right "the answer my friends is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind".

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's On,

    Jamie I'm not sure Heino are wanting to invoke dreams of a new world order. DB & Lion have both have a Jewish connection in the past.

    Nationalistic sports campaigns tend to embody a few dodgy sorts.

    After the defeat of France in 1940, the French Rugby Union authorities worked with the German collaborating Vichy regime to re-establish the dominance of their sport; Rugby League was banned and many players and officials of the sport were punished. All of the assets of the Rugby League and its clubs were handed over to the Union.

    The Romanians had trouble getting a Team together when the privious team died fighting for Ceauşescu. They were the secret police.

    Why listen to Marshall go on now, no-one ever did when he played.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday funnies, mostly,

    Sorry Off Topic, but while we're entertaining ideas like "Environmentally Friendly Nuclear Power" & other strange things.

    This dude had 113 pistols stolen from his house. 6 submachine guns & 2 military style rifles.

    I can understand collectors, I've got 5 bicycles & can only ride one at a time.

    But surely there has to be a limit to the number of pistols anyone can have, at least in one location.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday funnies, mostly,

    Too right.

    (3) NIMBY. NZers have major fits over WINDMILLs, for crying out loud. Imagine the public horror at having a reactor next door!

    Southland & White Hills being the exception to the rule - these guys loved it & have had 2 fairs dedicated to it. I don't know of anyone against it!

    If I can be so bold as to add a fourth.
    (4) Reduce - If we gave away heaters & used Heat Pumps. Sure those light bulbs & all that stuff on standby we would find our current generation levels are just fine right now.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    And will dutifully watch the Sunday league, if a little puzzelled as to how they keep missing Zaoui .

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    Yeah the boss let him in & we all had a good giggle & story for the pub.

    Our immigration policy is racist. Ozzys & Poms can come with pretty much gay abandon. I'm all for open immigration, if they want to come let them.

    Mr Cherry, a Jewish Truck Driver who won millions at Atlantic City wanted to immigrate. He used to ride his bike into retail outlets (which really pissed me off) & tried to organise a condom swap as part of his community mindedness. Easter was a particularly bad time to serve him. Harmless enough and he did do good work for the small Jewish community in Christchurch but an utter peanut butter nutter. He got sent packing back to the states as well.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    Sydney lock down

    Not sure if I've said this one before, but anyway.

    Prez Clinton stayed in a hotel in the Square in Christchurch (Old Social Welfare Building) and right next door my office had expanded into the 4th or 5th floor of the BNZ Building. It had an access way onto a balcony able from the hall.

    Four guys went onto the balcony and started to razz the security on the ground & the roof. The security were tooled up and you could guess by the bulky jackets and you just knew there were snipers on the roof. But you can't shoot a guy for giving the fingers and yelling abuse.

    I was inside the floor to ceilling glass window pissing myself with laughter.

    Then the boyz did a runner around the building and off that roofy thing over the foot path, off to freedom. We were stormed by the SIS who wanted to know who those guys were and how to get onto that balcony. They were pointed in the right direction and that was that, you would have thought.

    A good half an hour later there was a bloke in a suit knocking on our window. The SIS had left one behind and the door didn't have a handle to open from the outside. Gold pure gold.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Stories: Endings,

    Shit this has to be one of my faves

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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