Posts by Lilith __

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  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    I’m hard-pressed to see how it could even cost a fraction of $91 million – how much are they paying for road signs, and painting – or is there a specialist consultant in the wings with their hand out?

    Expensive paint?

    I'd love to know if they've consulted any town planners about this. That would be money well spent, because I think they'd find the whole idea laughable.

    Creating unnecessary traffic jams is obviously key to the rebuild and revitalisation of the central city.

    And they think they'll make it safer for cyclists??? For years I cycled down Barbadoes in the morning rush-hour and home down Madras in the evening. These roads were vastly safer and more predictable than any of the two-way streets, especially Manchester, which had nominal cycle lanes but would only be used by cyclists with a death-wish, because of the complexity of traffic behaviour there.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Keeping Austin Weird,

    clutter busting

    a clsuter of music, interactive and film conferences

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance,

    Whose stupid idea was it to scrap the one-way system for no particular reason at a cost of 91 million dollars???

    "The AA's view is simply that the one-way streets are a proven success and should be accepted as the essential inner distributor for all vehicle modes of travel in the new city plan," the submission said.

    "They help the environment, reduce accidents and free up the inner-core ways and streets from needless vehicle movements."

    No factual analysis or justification had been given for altering the one-way system, the AA said.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: The real problem with the…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I think I read something similar in some blog yesterday ;-)

    Public Address: leading opinion. :-)

    The other thing I love in the Police statement is they say if Ambrose didn't plant the mic intentionally, then he did so "recklessly".
    Reckless driving I understand; "recklessly" putting a mic on a table, not so much.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: EQNZ Remembrance,

    Just like to say what a lot of important work the army did after the Feb 22nd earthquake: they brought and distributed supplies, de-salinated drinking water for thousands of people, did emergency repairs, provided shower trucks for residents without water, as well as securing the central city cordons for the safety of the public.

    The military is experienced and effective in disaster relief, and we are glad of that.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: The real problem with the…,

    Have just read the news story, along with Ambrose’s letter. I couldn’t reconcile all those statements from the police.

    1. We think he’s guilty
    2. Unless he isn't
    3. He said he is innocent and sorry, so we’ll let him off this time
    4. If anyone else does this thing we can’t quite define, let alone prove, we will bust their ass.

    Is it too much to ask for a bit of logic, clarity or consistency??

    Let alone respect for a free press as part of the democratic process.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Better Food Photography, in reply to Islander,

    Any covert bread/oatcake/potato-cake/ damper/scone-making freaks out there?

    Love potato cakes!! And I find if cooking them for others that they look at them sceptically then taste one and load up their plate. Made with just a little curry powder – tasty, easy and filling.

    I used to make potato and pumpkin “baking powder bread” (ie. no yeast) all the time with barley and rice flour. I liked them a lot, and at times made all kinds of additions and substitutions depending on what I had. As long as a few eggs went in, and you let the loaves cool fully before trying to slice, they held together surprisingly well. They were substantial…some would find them stodgy!

    I wish I was good at scones, my efforts in that department are only moderately good. There was a memorable occasion when I made lemonade/cream scones for my future mother-in-law (now ex-) that against all probability failed to rise even a little bit! She was very polite about them. I seem to recall I threw the leftovers to the ducks, and the scaup had to chase them underwater because they sank like stones.

    Another stodgy thing I rather like in winter is a scone-base pizza with a thick crust and a thick layer of cooked veges and cheese on top. I have been informed that this is more “vegetable scone pie” than anything I’m allowed to call “pizza”, but it really is delicious.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tripods, One Night, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    snap… meet Cashel

    Ian, she(?) is gorgeous!!

    And Jack, you know all our thread are belong to them. :-)

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Better Food Photography,

    David the Flying Spaghetti Monster is AMAZING! I wonder if a small steel bowl inverted under the body (making it hollow) would solve the cooking time problem.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Capture: Better Food Photography,

    I have a monstera I was given as just a tiny shoot in a tiny pot some years ago. It rapidly got enormous and was always sending out suckers which often would be several feet long (snaking down the wall or behind the couch) before I noticed. Once one of them climbed into a large bowl that I had just next to the plant, and the sucker went round and round and round the inside.

    One day I decided I had enough of this ambitious plant and wanted to reduce its size, so I tried to trim both branches and roots, but I found both are quite brittle and manged to break most of them. I was left with a small scrap of root terminating in a small stick just above the surface of the potting mix.

    Well I thought that was probably goodnight to the monstera but to my astonishment it soon sprouted and is now getting huge again. I’ve decided it’s actually unkillable!

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

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