Posts by Farmer Green

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  • Hard News: #eqnz: Okay?, in reply to Farmer Green,

    with orders being diverted to our Auckland distribution centres

    Yep , ship the yoghurt from P.N. to Auckland , so that it can be "distributed" to P.N.
    Makes sense to me.
    Luckily we here at Biofarm are prohibited from using the P.N. warehouse, because we are so norty . . .

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: #eqnz: Okay?, in reply to Rosemary McDonald,

    We are being taught not to rely on The Administration to provide support.

    I found that it was quite empowering to be informed by the Genesis faultline operator that the reason that they didn't want to hear about our fault was that we were not a priority.
    I thanked her for her honesty (I hope that she wasn't being monitored) and for the clarity, and got on with the job.

    I mean , who needs food anyway?

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: #eqnz: Okay?, in reply to Rosemary McDonald,

    .community level post disaster actions

    That was funny but absolutely true. Most will not have received this "news" :-

    PEL (that is your Countdown supermarket)

    "An update on our current closures is below. The biggest impact for you however is likely to be that our Palmerston North Distribution Centre will be closed for much of this week, with orders being diverted to our Auckland distribution centres. We are doing everything we can to get stock to affected parts of the country, including from our Distribution Centre in Christchurch. There may be some delays, but at the moment we are able to get deliveries into all affected areas. We will continue to update our customers and teams."

    Centralisation . . of almost anything . . . is a disaster.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Sex robots, blow job cafés…

    That's anti-dairy !!

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to ,

    The recovery of [ . . . ] is left to a billionaire mortgage banker,

    Make Godzone GRATE . . . . again.!!

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: The fake news problem, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    FFS Ian , nobody WANTS the actual news. Yep ban those ally cats.
    FAKE NEWS . . no redundancy there :-)

    Oh well , off topic again , sigh . . . oops . . . squirrels .

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: #eqnz: Okay?,

    The take- home from this event is slowly sinking in now that we are up and running sort of . . . viz. that had this been the big one - the 8.5 + Richter on the Alpine Fault - the country is totally unprepared, and within a week or so chaos would have ensued.
    And this is from someone engaged in "sustainable " agriculture ! Ha!
    Sure , we could have continued food production for a month, but after that it was going to be paleo diet for everybody.

    Here we have backup generation, and backup generators for the backup generators. We also have solar but that is barely useful in the Big One.
    The fact is that when the diesel runs out we are down to coal while we cut down the trees and wait for them to be dry enough to burn. Then we could get maybe a year or so of continuity, if everything else was working which it would not be .
    Just imagine a few hydro dams are damaged, or the Cook Strait links.
    Throw in the administrative incompetence at every level . . . it's quite a disturbing picture.
    Genesis Energy made it virtually impossible to report faults . . . they would not log faults. There were pole fuses and transformer fuses blown all over the Manawatu , as a result of power lines touching. The lines company could not fix them because they did not know where they were . . . it was random . . . and the customers were not permitted to tell them ... far canal :-)
    We eventually crashed through the walls that Genesis had erected, and got a transformer fuse replaced (a 5 minute job) 30 hours after it blew and took out 4 ICPs, including the cowshed and the main farm water supply as well as all the comms. (which were already down because underground phone lines were ripped) and two other locations on the same transformer.
    There is no fibre here , even though we are in P.N. city and internet is copper wire. If the cell phone towers had generators but diesel was unavailable, then we were down to our two -way handsets for as long as we could recharge batteries. After that shouting would be necessary.
    Not even worth thinking about the cities.
    The country definitely dodged a bullet this time . Next time . . . ?

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Speaker: No, there isn’t a popular…, in reply to mccx,

    original post’s topic

    "Why did TRUMP win" was not the topic?
    Sheesh I got that wrong.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Speaker: No, there isn’t a popular…, in reply to mccx,

    Of course, whatever you say. But no, considering how [ . . .]is a consistent pro-[ . . .]/pro-[ . . .] and pro-[…] bloviator, I don’t see how [any comment published there] could be interesting.

    Shut it down, any way that you can :-)
    You want that I should get my coat?

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Speaker: No, there isn’t a popular…,

    This writer is quite interesting.
    Tin Foil Territory?

    Old Radical Marijuana is quite hard to read, but here are a couple of lines from the comment linked :-

    Therefore, some political progress appears to be possible on the most important issue, which is to not drive tensions between countries with an abundance of weapons of mass destruction to escalate to the point where those could end up being used in ways which spin out of control. ”

    " On those grounds, during the recent unpopularity contest between Presidential Candidates, the individual who won was the one who most probably would be able to prevent war using weapons of mass destruction from spinning out of human control"

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

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