Posts by Michael Savidge

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  • Speaker: It’s Beijing, but not as…,

    China seems desperately to want to prove itself to the world (in the eyes of this uninformed foreigner), while simultaneously asserting itself. A contradiction, perhaps, but an interesting one.

    But at what, and whose, cost?

    Imagine the power of Rich's boycott on a large scale.

    What's stopping us? The "spectacle"?

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Foreign Affairs,

    Even Katie Couric had a go at him on this topic the other night.

    Wow, didn't she, like, win a Pulitzer for smiling purty?

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    You don't think that it could be as simple, Michael, as with all forums, of reasonably likeminded people having discussions on which there is a common meeting of the minds at some points along the way?

    It could well be that Jackie, but I'm not sure if there is any simple answer. I guess I have concerns about the distinct lack of new voices joining in.

    Regardless of the reasons for that, and as much as I dig what goes on here, sometimes the sound of the regulars arguing semantics or 'who said what' gets a liitle old

    And that's my problem, not the regulars ;)

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    even Craig doesn't bite that much......

    The dude's a freakin pit-bull :) Speshly if you you generalise just a wee bit..

    I know! How about a thread where only those with less than 20 posts can comment...they can dip their toes without the sharks circling-jerking

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    I don't know if it's just me but it seems as if the diversity of voices on PA System is shrinking - or solidifying - a little more day by day.

    It doesn't seem to matter what the topic is or who authored it but I seem to keep encountering the same voices - often having the same argument. And sometimes it appears that the argument is more important than the topic ;)

    There's been talk of how intimidating it can be for new or less prolific posters to engage in discussion here, but maybe it's also that at times it feels a closed circle that is collapsing in on itself.

    I guess I'd like to think this is more an observation than a complaint - cos I have no idea how to fix it or even if it needs fixing - but I've come to really enjoy and respect this space and I have to admit to a sense of loss over what I've experienced here in the last few weeks...

    </irrelevant lament>

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    my imagination could come up with some impressive scenarios but then they'd still just be what I thought up so not worth the brain cells they're written on.

    Could you imagine that people have stopped listening?

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Trip to Canberra with Alan Bollard,

    As the late, great HST would have said, "That guy is sinister...I like him". Snort...sniff..glug...KABOOM!

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Times,

    It peaves me no end, it really does.

    God I know what you mean, I feel the same way about bad spelling :)

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Times,

    I'd have to say that in an age of such media diversity I am pretty impressed if RNZ is growing its audience...

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    I just finally succumbed and read the online version of Holmes' interview with Veitch.

    In contrast to the, mostly, well-considered comment and analysis that has evolved here over the last few days, that must go down as one of the most ridiculous pieces of 'journalism' this reader has had the misfortune to swallow (conflation with Craig's earlier description intended).

    It was collusion, it was apologist, it was fuckin disgraceful and distasteful.

    Its also very-bloody-insulting that the main broadsheet daily in this country's biggest city thinks that shit like that is worthy of it's audience and adds any value to a topic of considerable importance.

    Repeated note-to-self # 4,673 - Stop expecting any better!!

    Somewhere near Wellington… • Since Nov 2006 • 324 posts Report

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