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  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Wooden Ships

    True, great song, and the CSN versions are great too (It kicked off the Woodtock movie to great effect.) Can't remember the Volunteers version too well. Interestingly, it seems Paul Kantner (of J.A.) has, in recent years, gained writing credit for this song, along with Crosby and Stills.

    If I Could Only Remember My Name is not bad; good performances but, like much of CSN, marred by not-great material. That said, "awful" is perhaps a bit harsh. The CSN songs are no worse than a thousand other Rock records of the time, just that they pale next to the likes of Young and Dylan, but then, who doesn't? As singers they were great. I especially like Crosby on the top of those three-part harmonies.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    I always wondered how the generally inoffensive Nash could stand to hang out with Crosby and Stills without Young there. They're both so very... douchey.

    The money, I guess. I've been trawling the CSNY catalogue a bit recently (in order to round up some of the CSNY-only Neil songs - Sea of Madness , Everybody's Alone , Country Girl , Pushed It Over The End , etc.) and it's struck me how awful the rest of them are. Crosby's songs are generally embarrasing, with a few of 'em (Triad, Almost Cut My Hair) so cheesy that I actually like 'em; could never play them without headphones, though. Steve Stills seems like a good bandleader, but his songs are all dull or weak or embarrassing, especially next to Neil's (the same applies to Buffalo Springfield.) Outside of For What It's Worth I can't think of any good ones until Love The One You're With . Nash? "Generally inoffensive" pretty much covers it.

    For Neil, CSNY seems to me to have been largely a career move. His first solo LP, Neil Young_ (late 1968) did not sell well, but 1969's Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere fared better, on the back of his raised profile. Hard as it is to imagine now, CSN & CSNY were very popular, and their '71 live record seems to indicate that they were adored, by many. Stills' lead guitar solos on the 14-minute Southern Man are ghastly. Neil left soon after, but I think tried again with them in '74.

    With the exception of the ungradable Journey Through The Past ('72) Neil's six or seven LPs during this period are, of course, all great. </lecture>


    When I was a performing "artist", I used to prefer to be ignored by the audience. Rather them just get on with drinking and having fun with their friends than staring at us. Maybe if I really was an artist I'd feel differently, but I just wanted the chance to play, a couple of beers on the house and hopefully 20 bucks at the end. I always thought the purpose of a Rock show was to give the people a good time, rather than to garner "appreciation."

    Occasionally you'd get a real munter, who'd go front and centre and , facing the audience, "dance" with shirt off and arms flailing. I never found it "offensive", mostly just mildly amusing, and if necessary dealt with it by just thowing half a glass of beer or a mild kick at the dude.

    I suppose an acoustic or otherwise quiet set is a different matter, though. Some people just have no respect. You can't let it get to you.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    Markets are just another form of the wisdom of crowds;

    Maybe 200 years ago, they were.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    I can never seem to get a good answer to basic problems: like, what do you do with people who don't see things like you do -- and, say, insist on making things and selling them for a profit? Shoot them?

    Whatever. Are you suggesting we change drinking behaviour by shooting people? No. Then why can't you conceive of radical leftists aiming to change behaviour in any way other than violence?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The song is not the same,

    ... can we fix up the problem with italics


    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The song is not the same,

    .....but do not enjoy having to import by ripped-separately 256k MP3 files through iTunes...and then not being able to copy them back off again. I use several PCs (mainly Windows laptop and desktop and a Linux system) at home.....not just having the iPod "tethered" to one PC is limiting and sometimes inconvenient.

    Which reminds me, any recomendations for an alternate OS for iPod?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    I'd like to think that regardless of your politics or religious views, you don't desecrate houses of worship, graves or memorials to the dead.

    Actually, I don't give much of a fuck about that, compared to the desecration of the living.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    What does that comparison even mean? Shouldn't you rather ask yourself to what extent, if any, spilling red paint on the monument of a politician who was murdered for urging the signing of the Oslo piece accords does anything to advance the cause of peace?

    The obvious confusion of the gesture has not escaped me. I'm only asking whether that gesture is really the thing most deserving of disgust.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Current Status: Holidays,

    I don't think you necessarily have to be an "Israel backer" to say this is sick and fucked up.

    Oh, please.
    This is "sick and fucked up". Paint on a monument? A little less so, IMO.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The song is not the same,

    Does that now make it The Three Stooges?

    Cruel. ;) Reminds me of when the Monkees got down to just Davy and Micky. Some wag suggested that when the next one left, the remainder would carry on as "the monkee."

    I suppose they could bring back James Williamson.

    I feel privileged to have heard him peel off those dirty, thunderous guitar licks at the BDO.

    Seriously. He was great, too, that day.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

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