Posts by 3410

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  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    Nor is it hard to ask for clarification of accidental ambiguity, which happens all the time, no matter how many rules you have.

    How about when the writer is dead, or otherwise unavailable?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    Forgot to mention, it won't just be regular Power Play, but Super Power Play, where the feilding team is allowed no players in the deep.

    Also, they could play Rock music in the breaks between overs.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    And Google says we have racked up about 400 uses of IMHO here - so on average we must be twice as opinionated as we are humble. Heh.

    Probably even more so if you factor in instances of "IMNSHO"?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cricketucation,

    My idea for cricket is as follows:

    One innings of five (power play) overs each, and an increase in points from 4 to 10 for boundaries, and from 6 to 20 for hitting it out of the feild.

    This would make cricket more exciting for the younger fans, which is essential in the modern era. I propose to call this new format Mega Cricket Xtreme.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    "Swim in an area delineated by imaginary lines emanating from said flags in the direction of the sea that are positioned at an angle of 90 degrees from the imaginary line constructed by taking the shortest distance between the aforesaid flags"

    Actually, that'd be a pretty cool sign.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    This all reminds me of the old routine where wealthy pompous Peter Cook has hired meek Dudley Moore to teach him (from scratch) how to play Beethoven's fifth, on the piano, so that he may perform it for his wife's birthday, a few days hence.

    Dud (after having been shouted down whilst explaining that the task is impossible) begins apprehensively with "Ah, well, this is middle C". Pete interrupts with "No, No! That won't do at all. We'll start over here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... You just shout the numbers out".

    Moral of the story: just because you don't understand the point of some of the rules that govern a system -- and with the English language, whom among us does, completely? -- doesn't mean that "simplifying" or abandoning them won't make the situation even worse.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    Weirdly, Americans, generally seem to have reversed the apostrophe-for-possessive / not-for-plural rule. I'm guessing that this error might've been introduced via the habit of apostrophising plurals of non-standard words (foreign, acronyms, etc.) but that's just a guess. Most (ie more than half) of my American correspondents would write, for instance, "Hogans Hero's", and now non-English-speakers - writers, I should say - are also picking up that style.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Don’t let them eat cake,

    And the minimum wage, if you added in inflation of 3.6%, would go from $12 to $12.42.

    Which is why this sort of disingenous whining kinda sluts me off:

    McDonald's, the fast food company, says it may be forced to increase prices and review plans for expansion owing to the Government's decision to raise the minimum wage.


    Domino's Pizzas New Zealand manager Ryan Bohm said... "For some franchisees that are close to the wall now, it could be the thing that tips them over."

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Even in the case of the famous Obama image, Fairey's rendition was demonstrably iconic. The original photograph was just one of many thousands of photographs of a photogenic man. Its relative value was minimal. If AP does get the money it's after, it will be reaping value added by Fairey.

    But it's not just about the money; it's about control of the image. Sure, no one cares about that because it's AP, what if it you'd taken the photo? Would you be still be saying "don't worry about paying anything for that photo you used without permission, after all it's just one of thousands"?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Full Sense of Nationhood,

    Ben, I don't want to comment on it any further except to say that my lack of comment should not be taken to mean that I accept what you're saying. :)

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

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