Posts by George Darroch

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  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide – How to…,

    And where would the Greens be without Sue Bradford saving all New Zealand children from child abuse?

    Where would we be without those moral crusaders, out to save innocent parents from prosecution?

    But lets have that debate again some other time soon :)

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide – How to…,

    It helps if the major opposition party is desperate to seem tougher on lawanordah.

    Cause then you've only got the Liberal Democrats or Greens to oppose the substance. And who's going to listen to Keith Locke?

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Three strikes (w/ updates),

    I stand corrected. I was confused by the use of urgency to put it through the first reading, a practice which I'm not familiar with. Why you'd do it if there was no hurry in the other stages was a mystery until now. So I made the wrong assumption that this meant urgency for all stages.

    It appears that is merely a way of extending Government business at the expense of members days. As I/S says, Labour should not be putting up with it.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Three strikes (w/ updates),

    The lack of due process here is appalling. Laws in New Zealand are made by Parliament, and thus are tabled, read, and sent for submissions and review. For good reason.

    There will be problems with this law; there always are when non-administrative legislation is rammed through. They may be flaws that we decide (through our representatives) are acceptable, but that choice has been taken away.

    National is essentially ruling by fiat at the moment, invoking urgency on a whim.

    One thing I can say is that if Winston Peters was currently in opposition (as much as I hate the man), it's a damn sight less likely they'd be abolishing this members day.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    Yeah, not much for me to say other than I enjoyed my interactions with Bob on here, and wish his loved ones all the best.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    I thought it was a fairly overt reference to the traditional symbol of anarchism, the black flag?

    I thought we were supporting the All Blacks.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    DoSing Parliament? That would be entertaining.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    Acts of civil disobedience are far more likely to be effective.

    Shutting off the internet? If done deliberately they'd be breaching contracts left right and centre.

    Hmmm, thinking. And wondering if my avatar will show up black.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    Retired of Wellsford (Wellsford)

    Teach the controversy. This theory has only been around for 100 years or so, and in that time has been criticised by many prominent academics and scholars, such as Sir Cecil Rhodes. It does not, for example, teach us why apples fall from trees, or why the sun rotates the earth - this is observable, and proven, while this theory has nothing to say on the subject - and when it does, is quietly hushed up. It's time NZ schools taught Ptolemaic physics alongside Newtonianism and Einsteinism, and explain that not everyone accepts the latter. I have had some good feedback from a number of politicians and expect that John Key will be receptive to the idea.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    OK folks, you've warmed up on some easy targets try and extract the urine from comments that parody themselves in one hermetically sealed package.


    OutragedJim (Manukau)

    I've just come back and in OZ and the US they have much lower use of relativity. I used to have faith in the system here, but it's failed, after 20 years of neglect. We've lost so much - and Clark is mainly to blame.

    Mass does convert to energy, but it should be optional. I mean there are good rules, and bad rules, and rules that simply aren't needed. The red tape in the name of science keeps stacking up. Scientists should be able to believe whatever they want, and not be criticised by post-modern relativists. We're falling behind, because of a lack of moral and broadband fibre.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts Report

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