Posts by Russell Brown
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Hard News: Cannabis reform is a serious…, in reply to
Here’s Janet Wilson channeling her Inner Karl and seemingly happy to present as an uninformed and patronising numpty on RNZ’s The Panel today. No idea why she gets a forum.
She doesn't really have a point there, does she? But she's certainly very determined to make it.
The part where she insists that synthetics are "classed the same" as natural cannabis is just weird.
The Marshall Project has brought together a number of the protagonists in the current US wrangle to debate by email.
Berenson doubles down on some pretty dodgy racial stuff. Ick.
Hard News: Cannabis reform is a serious…, in reply to
I hope we have a place here where sensible debate on this will happen over the next few years.
That's the plan. I actually found the response to last month's the-year-that-was post very motivating.
Hard News: Cannabis reform is a serious…, in reply to
I'm surprised a *lawyer* did not have a word.
Yeah, quite.
Access: The long road to real space, in reply to
but coding is also mathematical and logic driven and this is not to the taste of every ASD person, even if they are very mentally capable.
Yes, this is another common mistake: every ASD person is good at maths. Leo really wasn't, although we managed to get him caught up with some tuition.
On the other hand, I think Leo understands high-level game design very well – but there's no direct path to that kind of role in the gaming world.
I was interested by his commentary on Black Mirror: Bandersnatch: "I've got better ideas than that in my head."
Access: The long road to real space, in reply to
another bandname
I prefer their older indie stuff.
Access: The long road to real space, in reply to
And I love the phrase anxiolytic defence system.
Me too :-)
It just sort of came out and I thought, oh, I like that.
Access: The long road to real space, in reply to
Has he seen this?
He's just about to!
Hard News: Music: Telling Stories, in reply to
Thank you Russell - and here's a lovely piece of accidental synergy. Jamie Isaac's crew includes Sara Leigh Lewis' son (he does visuals), the same Sara who created the incredible AK79 images seen on AudioCulture.
How lovely. I hadn't got to that one yet, but I shall do so.
Hard News: Music: Telling Stories, in reply to
Oh! … you’re referring to the stolen iron. Yes, fixed that yesterday thanks to Chris Bourke.
Yes! That part.
I knew because I was just some kid in Christchurch when the RIU Extras came out, but I recall being in the office when the plans for ChaCha were being hatched by Murray, Ngila and Max Thomson. Ngila was running her stall in the Whitcoulls corner building and really struggling at that point. Who could have guessed what she'd go on and do?
I really appreciated learning a bit more about that building in Darby Street. What a place! Geoff Steven had an office there while I was working at RIU and of course there was Denis Cohn's gallery. I also had no idea that Philip Peacocke founded Snake!
And then it was demolished and a bank tower replaced it and nothing interesting ever happened there again.