Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to simon g,

    Why not acknowledge from the start that the TPP was going to live or die in Washington, and nothing we did would change that.

    You know who did say that? Matthew Hooton.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to SteveH,

    Clinton is also opposed to the TPP.

    If Obama can’t get it ratified before he leaves office it might not get ratified by the US (unless the new Pres flip-flop, of course).

    Sanders said the party had agreed to block attempts to get it through the lame-duck Congress. TPP is dead, basically.

    I actually suspect there's not going to be the desire to force anything on Obama's part either. It's fairly clear that this is a deal that no one likes enough to die in a ditch over.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to simon g,

    She resigned because she did Politics 101: the best way to end calls for you to go, is to go.

    Yes, and I gather her term would have effectively ended with the convention anyway. It does seem clear she managed the conflicts badly though. A streetfighter wasn't what they needed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to Zach Bagnall,

    Didn’t the emails show DNC staffers pushing negative stories to the press about Sanders’ religious views (in states sensitive to that topic)

    No, they showed one guy musing about it, no one taking it up and no evidence that anything of the kind ever happened. It's crap that anyone even had such a thought, but nothing actually happened.

    (Plus a much greater amount of plain old pissy attitude which is completely understandable – they’re human).

    Yeah. They were in a public snarling match with the Sanders campaign at the time.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to Dennis Frank,

    So the hierarchy of the Democrat Party has been proven to have been actively subverting their pseudo-democratic electoral process. I suppose the left feels obliged to prove that they can do moral corruption as well as the right, because that’s the new normal and they feel they must compete accordingly?

    Except that the emails show nothing of the kind.

    If Vladimir really did get his hackers into the DNC email server & send the result to Wikileaks, he’s becoming quite a player on the global stage, huh?

    And he's not such a bad guy really?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to Zach Bagnall,

    The never-Clinton spite-voter seems completely overblown to me. I’m sure there are a few idiots but they’re not representative.

    And the Pew polling says you're right. It's just unfortunate that those people are getting a lot of airtime.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to Danyl Mclauchlan,

    Because nothing I think or say affects the outcome in any way whatsoever, I’ve decided to back the Bernie supporters. Fight the power dudes!

    Dude, if you’re going to go down the "nothing I say will make any difference anyway" road, man up and declare for Trump!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: DNC 2016: Beyond weird, most…, in reply to Kiwiiano,

    The worry is that Bernie’s supporters will storm off in a huff and not bother to vote, handing the Prez to Trump by default.

    There will be some – and US TV seemed to be lining up to interview them afterwards – but any Sanders supporter who wasn't convinced by his speech will never be convinced. They're on some other trip.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: RNC 2016: A literal shitshow,

    Well, that escalated quickly.

    The Democratic National Committee reported some weeks back that it had suffered an attack on its email systems by Russian hackers.

    The fruit of that attack showed up yesterday in the hands of Wikileaks, which has now published 20,000 emails. The contents of the emails may make some DNC staffers cringe – there might even be someone let go by the time it’s done – but there are no bombshells so far. It’s not like it was a secret that the DNC and the Sanders camp weren’t getting on at the time, but one email in particular suggesting that the committee's CFO was looking for a way to publicly play on Sanders' atheism is a bad look.

    The problem is that the email dump contains the unredacted personal information – credit card and Social Security numbers, passport details – of more than a thousand donors who have done nothing wrong. They’ve been doxxed by Wikileaks and it seems like a deliberate attempt to intimidate.

    Quite a few people are drawing the conclusion that Putin is behind all this. Which wouldn’t be too surprising given Assange’s previous accommodations with the Russian leadership.

    Meanwhile Josh Marshall has gathered evidence suggesting that there’s more than mutual admiration binding Putin and Trump. Notably, the Trump projects that have received very big infusions of cash from shady interests close to Putin.

    There is something between a non-trivial and a substantial amount of circumstantial evidence for a financial relationship between Trump and Putin or a non-tacit alliance between the two men. Even if you draw no adverse conclusions, Trump’s financial empire is heavily leveraged and has a deep reliance on capital infusions from oligarchs and other sources of wealth aligned with Putin. That’s simply not something that can be waved off or ignored.

    Meanwhile, Julian Assange has lost the plot on the Wikileaks Twitter account as he touts the DNC emails; tweeting weird anti-semitic messages, deleting them, then tweeting again. It really seems there’s something very ugly going on here.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: RNC 2016: A literal shitshow,

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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