Posts by Grant Dexter

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  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    I think we have successfully established that people like "Grant" are not going to be convinced, no matter how rational the argument, that a human consciousness based in brains thousands of times more complex than the most advanced computers on earth cannot also run on a tangle of basic synapses with less connections than a 1980s-era calculator, and that decisions regarding said bundle of synapses and ancillary cells ought to be made with according regard for the (fully human) host rather than the parasite - which may have potential for amazing things, but then so do eggs, and even vegans can find better arguments than this.

    You have no idea what you're saying. What do people with the ability to think have that people with the ability to build human bodies don't?

    But I agree, vegans are pretty silly :D

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Grant is a hardcore Christian who is never going to change his stance on abortion, no matter how much robust debate is hurled at him.

    I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. Thanks :)

    It would be nice if someone was prepared to test this theory though. All we've had so far is appeals to the consequent and assaults on my appearance.

    Pro-aborts on the defensive everywhere with no answer to the simple facts of life and humanity.

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Nice of you to quote me saying this was fun and then suggest silence. You missed the 'fun' part i suppose :-)

    Perhaps you truely belive your own BS or, as most likely is the case, you just like throwing up outlandish strawn-man statements because you like the attention the enusing flamewar gaurntees. Either way, if you were so certain of your belifs you’d be content on a mountain top someplace rather than trolling here trying to harden them in the flames.

    Rather than heaping more scorn on you to feed the beast that is your ego (I mean, come on…what’s with that raised eyebrow? Even if you look past it as some sardonic attempt to set up a ‘ hate me for my ego’ straw-man, meant to garner more attention, you are still left with the impression there is still a massive ego at work)

    ..where was I..oh yes…rather than feeding the best that is your ego..haha too late for that…I shall instead leave the feeding to others and return back to the silence you recommend.

    (reserving the right to chime back in when I can’t resist the fun or if this post is replied to in any fashion or if the wind is blowing in a north to north-easterly fashion)

    OK. You're right. I did miss the word "fun". I think I misread it as "funny". My bad. For the record I rate myself as able to take a joke (once I get it, of course) so feel free to continue with the friendly banter if possible.

    On the other hand your suggestion that this might be my ego and that a mountain is the best place to practice what I believe is just ridiculous and so far off the mark it's not funny.


    And as for the raised eyebrow... I am practicing that look. I'm glad I seem to be getting it right ;)

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    I quote this just so you can read it again Grunt. It doesn't make sense does it?
    The thing that I find most frustrating about you and your ilk is that you have such double standards. There is no consistency in your judgements unless you confine them to a very narrow viewpoint. That is why you find it so difficult here, we just aren't narrow minded enough for you. Many of the people you associate with, yes I did find out quite a lot about you and your pals, have views that condone acts and practices that I am sure most on this forum would find abhorrent and against all we hold good.
    As for defending our positions. Here on PAS we hold dear the ability to speak and discuss freely, without fear of being ridiculed or punished for our beliefs or opinions. We are tolerant, we do not insist others live their lives the way we want them to. We empathise and sympathise, even with you.
    So open your eyes Grant, it's a big world out there and there is so much to learn, so much to enjoy. Life is too short, sometimes as short as a single breath, anything less than that is no life at all.

    EXCELLENT! Then you should be able to point out exactly where I've gone wrong.

    Here's a quick recap in case you've forgotten ;)

    FACT 1. At conception a baby is alive.
    FACT 2. At conception a baby is human.
    JUDGMENT 1. At conception a baby is a human being, a person and logically entitled to any rights granted to all persons.
    JUDGMENT 2. Deliberately terminating that life is wrong in all circumstances.

    So. Can you show me where the straight and narrow has got me mixed up, please?

    And did you read the "Video Game" thread?

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    at this point i retract my thanks to Grant for at least being polite in his belligerence.
    Grant, you are obviously a scared and hateful man.
    If you have to come to terms with your inner demons you wont find help where you are currently looking. that is the only advice i can give.
    I hope the gods have mercy.

    Well I suppose I should be bemused. I haven't been polite here because you found me not being polite somewhere else?

    I'm not one who gives much credit for how polite someone is, but at least I would be able to address an issue rather than finding any possible reason to avoid it.

    Come on you lot! If abortion is really that certain then surely you should be able to defend your positions rather than trying to scare me off...

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    :grin: I've never felt so loved.

    But seriously .. that's all you can find?

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    The fun thing here is that everyone is just arguing semantics.

    You should have just remained silent then .. if you believe you have nothing to contribute.

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am not a quitter,


    It's called a really lame joke.

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am not a quitter,

    I'll roll my eyes if you promise to roll them back when you're done with 'em :)

    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

  • Hard News: Medical Matters,

    Whoops. I think I overstepped there. Danielle - I retract any implication that might be apparent in my last post as to your appearance. Sorry about that.


    Taipei, Taiwan • Since Mar 2007 • 256 posts Report

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