Posts by andin

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  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    Heh, or longer, depending which prophet you read.

    Now you should know I dont go in for that stuff 'cos I weened myself off it. Pity I cant say the same about other folk.

    And just cos I can.... "dont you get fresh with me young man!"

    I lack perspective, being earthbound.

    Easily solved, when your ready!

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    I like to think I can still be surprised. It's happened dozens of times in the last decade, I can't think why it couldn't continue.

    Hey don't grab all the pleasure for yourself. Cause now I have to play catch up. People always surprise me sometimes not in a good way, sometimes in astoundingly positive ways. But I love this planet, and everything on it. And I want generations after me to do the same. Till its heat death whenever that is. Mebbe some descendants will watch it from space - well not of mine 'cause I wont be having any thanks very much for asking. But someones.

    The Third World will get more of it, which means less for the First World. Which means harder times for those of us in the First World. It's a hard idea to get used to because we are not accustomed to seeing our wealth in the context of the poverty of the rest of the world, and can delude ourselves into thinking we had a winning formula that could have become universal, rather than simply having seized a bigger piece of the pie than everyone else long before we were even born.

    This was apparent oooooh, about 40 years ago. And many in a generation put their hand up to say 'Hey we'll take the hit'. But their parents weren't about to let their children become urchins - or so they thought. The echo back - as it was never verbalised - was 'bloody ungrateful little sods, we fought and died for this so you bloody well better keep on with it'.

    But I wish I could live to see you succeed where others have failed.
    Ah the optimism of youth, you have my support, for what its worth.

    Now the Third world will just take what it wants, and if the developed world suffers. They'll just say "Them the breaks" or whatever those sayings are in other cultures.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    Unfortunately this is not a movie.
    And the FX well, when you get to my age your've seen 'em all before.

    Yes, I know, we are educated, and like to think we are all unique and different (and we are in a lot of ways) and I'd hate to "rain on anyone's parade" (enough qualification for you).
    The sameness or false dichotomy is becoming oppressive.
    Not that I really care, I probably have a lot less years on this planet than you, I've tried but change just doesnt come quickly, not with this many people on a rock. And our leaders full of flowery language and not much else. Our future "leaders" are trained via pseudo warfare or ball games. Or with the SAS now it seems.
    We need to fight for a future, not just squabble over who gets what and who's getting in our way, and if you miss out. Well its probably 'cause your useless and no good anyway.

    And we insist on raising buffoons with motormouths onto a pedestal.
    In my blacker moods ...well that enough for now.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    The wobbly middle, not a good place to sit.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    Quite an inspirational fellow, on many levels.


    Just not so much of late. And probably best viewed, as such, from a distance.

    I'd love to have his energy.

    Odd word to use.
    A lump of coal will probably have as much "energy".

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    As the olive entrepreneur sez

    To win at anything in public life, I think, you always have to be able to work the middle.

    Yes Paul, we know. Your whole career is testament to that.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Summer's record has come early,

    this email by Duncan Woods sent to Brian Edwards

    Wish there were more like him.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Speaker: My People,

    Yeah but first we got to solomon sez

    And then what may be of use....

    I have one big quibble with this but I'll let it ride for the mo'

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Revival,

    I got dissonance on that as well,

    Different times...
    I thought would have loved it growing up as I did awash in all those WW2 comics and Lion and Tiger weekly comic mags.
    The reality was much more monotonous, nothing rugged and individualistic about it.
    And the weapon recoil..... no one ever said anything about that.
    Shooting from the hip while bounding across trenches....yeah right!

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Speaker: My People,

    Well spoken Jackie. I just stay away from discussions about children as I dont have any and never will now. I just hope those in the field are competent.
    But I came across this and thought some might find it interesting. The author sticks to drawing parallels between Blakes London and modern day US. Tho' I think some of what he says applies to NZ and every western country with a Christian history as well.
    A quote:
    "Blake suggests that if you want to understand the moral state of a country, you had better check first and see how it deals with its children. Does it treat them with loving kindness, or does it exploit them? Does it look down upon them from the perspective of the greedy and frightened Selfhood, or regard them with the generosity of the enlightened Soul? "

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

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