Posts by Jolisa

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  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Phew, I'm not alone:'s Walter Shapiro was intermittently underwhelmed by Obama's speech, although convinced that the softly softly approach was a wise one.

    Interesting strategic choice to skip over Obama's 12 years as professor of constitutional law in that biographical video portrait, and to steer clear of mentioning torture, the Supreme Court, etc etc. I guess the electorate doesn't want to think about anything too complicated or yucky.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same," said Bill Burton, Obama Campaign Spokesman.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    You need to forgive me, I've just staggered in from a rather generous wine tasting down the road to a CNN live run on this.

    Oh, no need for forgiveness - I used the same phrase myself, but as I typed it I had an attack of pedantry (Google hasn't helped me find its origin but it's a totally standard expression).

    Scary pic! Then there's [|this]] although I think this guy is Biden's doppelganger.

    And Biden SO needs a haircut.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    it's odd to see such a massive who just a potential heartbeat from that job.

    Too right. Despite McCain's awesomely long-lived momma, by the time his father was 72, he'd been dead for two years. There's also this to worry about, especially in the light of recent news about Margaret Thatcher.

    (Pedantic moment: shouldn't the phrase be "a lack of a heartbeat away from the Presidency"?).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    See her speak here - the interesting bit is at 3.00.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Yes, he has. Right then:

    She's pro-life (and a poster girl for it, with a late-in-life 5th child who has Down Syndrome), unless you're a polar bear.

    She's a total hard-arse: mother of five, marathon runner, gun-fan, hunter (her parents were out caribou-hunting when they got the news).

    She is champing at the bit to drill for oil in the Antarctic National Wildlife Refuge. Bad luck for the polar bears.

    Her oldest son (18) is in the military.

    She's undeniably cute, under all that make-up.

    It's a gamble for McCain: will the Hillary ladies said they wanted a woman in the White House, did they mean any woman? Will Biden knuckle down and take his gloves off in the debates, even if it means beating up on an attractive lady? Can the oldest Presidential candidate ever still play the inexperience card against Obama, when he's proposing to install a person with a similar (and arguably weaker) resume a heartbeat away from the Presidency?

    Talk about timing, though. By 11 a.m. EST (8 a.m. California time, 7 a.m. Alaska time, and not even sparrowfart in Hawaii), Obama's speech from last night was no longer the top item on the front pages of all major media here. Wily.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Ooh, has McCain picked a woman (Sarah Palin of Alaska) as his running mate? That would be wily indeed.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,


    Pat Buchanan called it the greatest convention speech ever.

    OMG indeed. That's like... like... wow. That's like Pat Buchanan calling it the greatest convention speech ever! That is amazing. I'm going to go drink some Kool-Aid and watch it again and see what I missed.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the guy and want him to win. I think the cheesy music (esp that C & W outro) and watching it on the tiny screen contributed to an intermittent sense of "meh" when I was looking to feel an unequivocal "whoah."

    Agreed, too, on the rhetorical differences between this one and four years ago. I think by not even mentioning the notion of red state/blue state, but instead specifying things we can "agree to disagree" about, he effectively conveyed something much more like this. Add that to the string of ordinary people who spoke just before his speech - especially the lifelong Republican lady -- and you've got a big, big tent. It would be hard not to feel included in his vision.

    It would be so nice to have someone not actually despicable in that office...

    I know. It shouldn't be too much to ask, eh?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Oh, and WTF was that music about??

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    And by "cheers me up" I mean "rocks my world."

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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