Posts by Jolisa

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  • Hard News: Poll Crunch,

    If the gift of rhetoric consists of the ability to take what from anyone else would sound sappy and hokey cliché and turn it into inspiration and belief then my goodness, that Obama has the gift.

    Just watched the video - he's preaching! Reckon he got a rocket from his granny this weekend about Bringing It On??

    And speaking of rhetoric, what is the Greek word for what he's doing in that speech? (Apart from logic, I mean). It's a little bit epistrophe, a little bit antithesis... a dollop of procatalepsis... I love it, I want to see it broken down line by line (like diagramming Palin's sentences but the opposite). He is such an excellent rhetorician.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Poll Crunch,

    You may have other favourites you'd like to share.

    OK. How about Carolyne Meng-Yee's bizarre Herald on Sunday profile of John Key's missus, Bronagh, which included these gems:

    I ask if they shower together, to conserve water. "No! No, no - we don't use much water at all."

    and, unbelievably:

    This leads to an inevitable question - does [she] like sex?

    "Arr ... err ... hello, that guy took interest in what you just said," says [Bronagh], referring to another pedestrian.

    Well, do you like sex? [She] mumbles for a moment. "Well that is a personal part of my life ... and I don't want to talk about that."

    Oh wait, haha, my mistake. It was in fact a profile of Peter Davis, the Prime Minister's husband. Perfectly acceptable questions, then, eh?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Southerly: Our Saddest and Most Tragic…,

    Quote from her: "I just know I'm going to be into hot 18-year-olds when I'm forty"

    So there. [See also Jolisa's reply].

    See also my current discussion thread, I guess!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Southerly: Our Saddest and Most Tragic…,

    as for that kid - too damn cute to be true, clearly Photoshopped.

    Au contraire - if anything, they toned him down a bit. He's knuckle-bitingly gorgeous in person.

    Rupert Brown...

    For some reason I'm picturing Russell wearing checked trousers and a red shirt surrounded by friends called Bill the Badger and the like.

    There is something rather bearish about our Russell, now you mention it :-) All together now, everyone sing his name....

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: Age cannot wither me,

    A friend of mine, while in his early 20s, lied upwards about his age to impress an older woman. He said it was very difficult, and involved inventing five years of a plausible life history.

    This is fascinating... Maybe it's just because I'm a late bloomer, but I still have the same problem.

    I sense a business opportunity there for someone, photoshop and certificates and all, to account for the missing years more comprehensively than just "I was in prison" or "I was on tour with the Grateful Dead." Is taken already?

    I do like Robyn's point about how all the pervasive lying about age makes it easier for the rest of us to seem all the more fresh-faced and fabulous. And yeah, go Gloria S! Gorgeous at any speed. When I get really old, not just half old, I want to be like her, or one of these guys.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: Age cannot wither me,

    Though when I'm old I plan to look like Helen Mirren.

    Oh, woof! No complaints there.

    Ta for the tattoo advice, although I'll probably go to my grave unmarked. It's not the pain that I fear, it's the possibility for second thoughts. Speaks the woman who has tried on approximately two dozen pairs of boots in search of the perfect pair, and still isn't completely convinced I've found them.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: Age cannot wither me,

    I have to say, the fearlessness with which people are outing themselves, age-wise, in this thread is an impressive index of the generally robust PAS psyche.

    It's also causing me to revise a few long-cherished mental pictures. Craig in particular - your old fogey persona is impeccably maintained, I've routinely added a decade or so to your age. To think that a glowing peachy complexion complements that hand-knit cardie and those old slippers!

    Danielle, don't fret! You are young and lovely and will stay that way for at least another decade. (BTW I found denial a very useful strategy for the countdown you're facing.)

    And Paul, you always give me hope. I hope to be you in 10 years' time. (With the groovy repatriated tenagers and all).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: Age cannot wither me,

    Aah, the fellow-feeling is fair wafting off the page. It's good to know there are so many of us in the same boat, as it were.

    And excellent advice from Dinah, Robyn, and Russell. I shall save my pennies, resist the urge to lie, and start planning WAY more elaborate parties.

    @ giovanni
    It's a doddle, as long as you are not triskaidekaphobic.

    @ Grant
    Aah, the Clooney effect. I'm sure it will kick in soon. Keep us posted.

    @ Fletch
    Thank you! Bet you had a hard time finding a school hall for your bang-up birthday party?

    @ Lx
    I trust it involved a sports car, and the warm wind in her hair? I had dreams of an exotic trip as well (Paris, Tokyo, London) then realised I'd done all that in my 20s while unencumbered. So we made do with Maine, last weekend, which was gorgeous in its own unassuming way.

    @ Emma

    And a tattoo.

    Hmmmm... tempting. What do you reckon is the most age-proof spot? So when the young 'uns say "Show us yer tat, nana" they'll still be able to make it out?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Southerly: Our Saddest and Most Tragic…,

    No wonder David is crap at making a living from journalism; he's fighting his natural tendency towards a kick-arse career in marketing. "Buy the book or Tiny Bob gets it."

    Works for me.

    (Haydn: ROFL! Especially having met the mini murderer myself. I thought he had a twinkle in his eye but you're right, it could have been an evil glint...)

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dial O for Obama,

    For anyone watching the debate who's boggling about how on earth you can pay $3 million for an "overhead projector", the good physicists over at Cosmic Variance have the whole story.

    McCain is shamelessly lying about an extremely worthy and worthwhile bit of public science funding. But Obama is silly for not hitting straight back with a query about exactly which part of the Planetarium's mission in public science education McCain is opposed to.

    There's cool and laid-back, and then there's "Are you really in the same room with this turkey??"

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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