Posts by st ephen

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  • Hard News: Do you like what we've done…,

    I’m with Gio – PAS is active enough that “Recent Posts” is covered by “Recent Discussion”. Previously, I could see the most recent discussion posts listed at the top of the page I opened to. Now I have to scroll down to it. This is trivial, but multiply “trivial” by “far-too-many-times-per-day” and you get “might-be time-to-get-a-life”.

    [edit: dumbass minds think alike, Danielle...]

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Islander - there's a wikipedia page on the Tintin movies. The first one is a combination of The Crab With the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham's Treasure.

    It's stop motion animation, so the actors will be "Gollumised". Snowy will be normal CGI, so no need for dogs running around with blue dots on their joints.

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Maybe Key and Brownlie can tackle another corner of the Knowledge Economy next - the research sector. It's just like the film industry - the work is very much project based and you're only as good as your last pitch for funding. IIRC perma-temps in the CRIs had to be taken onto the payroll once their contracts had been rolled over too often. Maybe these people would also be happier as self-employed contractors, paying minimal tax and keeping their specialist skills up-to-date on their own time?

    "Why should senior CRI staff, whose career is a project to project existence, be at risk from a contractor taking them to court to be re-classified as an employee, simply because the CRI was successful at securing one project after another, and loyal enough to keep re-hiring the contractor from one project to another?"

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    The trade union is thus the mortal enemy of the charismatic leader ...

    How about: "The charismatic business leader is the mortal enemy of the trade union official"?
    I guess the official's argument would be that even if PJ is a terrific bloke, it isn't healthy to have an industry's pay and conditions wholly reliant on one bloke's terrific-ness. (Although if the industry only exists because of said bloke's terrific-ness, it's a bit of a moot point).

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Hard News: Anatomy of a Shambles,

    To be fair, Trotter does use that blog for what he calls his "more ruminative...impulses".
    Splattering bullshit around would qualify, I guess.

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Great game of netball or…,

    I wonder if he would consider guest commentating the Pirate City vs Richter City roller derby bout?

    Fuck roller derby and fuck the increasing Americanisation of New Zealand sport. When are you guys going to get over your obsession with tattooed chicks on roller skates wearing lingerie as outerwear? We've just seen 8000 athletes from 71 countries competing in 260 events. That's a shitload of uniforms you could have been writing about, Hadyn...

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • OnPoint: On Freedom of Speech,

    has precisely nothing to do with the Paul Henry fiasco

    I thought the link to Paul Henry isn't the story itself but rather the way it was reported. ie. she doesn't look "Indian" because her mother is actually a "New Zealander". Or a "Kiwi" as the Capital Times had it. So apparently Capital Times reporters (back then) and Herald reporters (still) are indeed thinking what Paul Henry is thinking.

    But that second link now has me wondering about Miss Beautiful Smile Lucy Russell...

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • OnPoint: On Freedom of Speech,

    Or we could talk about it some more, maybe so called axioms will diffuse over time.

    You think? Check out today's 'race row' story about the fair-haired, fair-skinned Miss IndiaNZ winner. Her father is Fijian-Indian, her mother is reported to be... a New Zealander.

    I'd say any 'teaching moments' have flown by the press, let alone the bigots.

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Hard News: And this week we look at ... Auckland!,

    ...Parker's ease in the media...

    That's putting it mildly! I guess all provincial mayors like the opportunity to front national media, but Bob does seem to be particularly relishing his moment. Perhaps his retirement from TVNZ wasn't exactly voluntary? You get the impression he feels that now he has been reinstated to his rightful place in our nation's living rooms, the earth's balance will be restored...

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sintax,

    In a sleepy little town
    where soft breezes blow...

    That'd be John Rowles. And that'd have to be Heather Straka again.

    dunedin • Since Jul 2008 • 254 posts Report

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