Posts by Shulgin

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  • Hard News: Illegal Highs,

    If I could be particular again. outlets are awash with bunny ears, and, small rodents...right after the Easter rush...apparently various parties are saying they would not allow testing on animals....flash back to the Naenae shop...they sure looked like animals,,,but were cast as dogs... off the chain (cam bell live) I don't have a tv or that's just an impression i got reading some other animals account....

    anyway...the rabbits are a bit pissed.....(off)... and will now stand guard outside liquor outlets...canvasing the other two legged they leave...sir are you intending to consume all that gin, sav and just have the t=standard drink in a hourly session...."fuck you bunny"

    flash back to experimental mice pushing levers....and injected monkeys....

    roll bell sounds so sensible, but will do, as his funding depends on it...he sounds like an expert...update your web site on animal testing ross...I have seen you in some compromising poses with cops and MOH officials...I love parteas....anniversary cakes and shit,,,is that you with a stu mills? yuck two bunnies together...cross hares..

    in the annual dipton bunny shoot...we find a candidate...who had werked for phillip animals were used...sort of situation....but you kill people why are you the spokesperson and running for parliament?

    So the this whole situation is a joke...despite the flamouant grey haried cumming back after refusing to release his e-mails...he stood in a whale terd...up to his bunny ears....

    if only fish were like bunnies then shane jones could comment....

    ....and quan quay said under his cannabis reform....just give the animals rabbit food....

    anyway, rabbit ears has given way to freeview,

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    my that a car accident?

    I really hate pragmatic politicians...because the actual problem is that our useless tax funded MOH, Police and Customs...has no idea,,,,so was always going to be an accident.....waiting to happen...

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    DI Mills told me he regards them as basically educational.

    In reply..... Mills would say that...cause he sure needs edyakaychun...after what he did over/around the maxwell report....fiddling figures with Inspector Mills....very nawtee D I MIlls! (He should resign!)

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    in reply to Ian D....normative determinism....



    Legalize Real Pot, Says Fake Pot Inventor

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    the point...about horse riding and JWH that.... in some/most ways it is okay to smoke and eat.... untested cancer compounds/drugs here in New Zealand...because they are "legal" highs and we have an innovative act by a mad christian....just give me the horse.... john wayne style...lets get a posse..... and head into town,,,,, partner....this is about sorting "our" thinking on drugs...spur digs into the flesh....yeeha

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    Sacked government drug adviser David Nutt talks to Sky News

    Professor David Nutt asked to resign after his claims that ecstasy is no more harmful than horse-riding and that cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol or nicotine.

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    “In the long run, some form of manufacturing standard seems to me to be a good way around the risks of so-called “E” and “LSD” containing unknown substances in unknown concentrations.”

    In reply to RB…tongue in cheek….of course and seeing Prof Nutt said horse riding was more dangerous than taking E….perhaps we should be getting the capital to set up the trails…oops trials...imagine the headlines….New Zealand “e” capital of the world, ….actually do Class A materials come under the act? And anyway if Roche can hoodwink governments into stocking top shelf “tamiflu” then I suppose anything is possible, even with products out of the best fordist standardized labs.

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    If I could be particular again.

    The synthetic cannabis drama has a basis in the work of Jon W Huffman, hence the compounds JWH -018 and JWH-398 etc found in legal highs. In fact there are around 460 of these JWH compounds.

    This link is an interview with Huffman, please take the time to read it.

    In the article the following is noted:

    "From 1984 until early this year, Huffman and his team at Clemson created 460 synthetic cannabinoid compounds for tests on lab animals. Under a $2-million federal drug grant, they studied the interaction between drugs and brain receptors.
    "These receptors don't exist so that people can smoke marijuana and get high," Huffman said. "They play a role in regulating appetite, nausea, mood, pain and inflammation."
    Synthetic cannabinoids are structurally different from THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. But they have the same biological effects on the human body, which is why they are useful in research.
    In tests on lab animals, some have shown promise in developing treatments for pain and inflammation and some skin cancers, Huffman said.
    But because of their powerful effects on brain receptors, it's extremely risky to ingest them.
    "These things are dangerous — anybody who uses them is playing Russian roulette," Huffman said. "They have profound psychological effects. We never intended them for human consumption."
    But after Huffman's team published its work, opportunists who saw a ready market in stoners seeking stronger highs grabbed the formulas. They mixed the pale, amber, gummy compounds with benign herbs to resemble marijuana.

    Huffman said he first got calls in early 2009 about head shops selling products based on his formulas."


    "If the Department of Health and Human Services recommends outlawing the five listed cannabinoids, they would remain illegal for six months. The DEA would then begin public notices and other bureaucratic procedures to permanently outlaw them. Steps to make other cannabinoids illegal could follow.
    Huffman supports banning them. But he also favors legalizing and taxing marijuana.
    "You can't overdose on marijuana, but you might on these compounds," he said. "These things are dangerous, and marijuana isn't, really."

    Huffman recently retired from Clemson, but keeps an office at the university. He mainly spends his days in the idyllic hamlet of Sylva, where his back porch offers spectacular mountain views. He still gets phone calls "from little papers in East Podunk, Ark.," he said, asking about the potent fake pot he supposedly invented.
    Huffman's real scientific legacy is his research on brain and central nervous system receptors. If you want to talk about "really good stuff," he said, consider JWH-133, another compound his team created.
    "It's the best stuff we've done in terms of scientific value," he said.
    The compound has been shown, in mice, to shrink brain tumors and lead to regression of non-melanoma skin cancers, suggesting a potential use in chemotherapy."

    So why in New Zealand do we have products on shelves for compounds, that the man who created them, would not injest himself or encourage others to do so? How can the Health Department give even “interim” approval for their use – when the basic science that created them doesn’t have them in a state for human consumption?

    It seems to me, that in our small country there is no way some fly-by-nite company such as Stargate, could ever do enough research to prove, for example that a certain JWH compound was risk free. I don’t see how the health department can even administer the act let alone consider applications under the PS Act – it just has no idea. For example the NZ Police can even hoodwink the health department when they manipulate the health departments own statistics (Maxwell report).

    Huffman himself says better to legalise cannabis and ban the synthetics.

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

  • Hard News: Sorting out our thinking on drugs,

    If I may be particular.

    In the book PHIKAL by A Shulgin, amongst other things, he shows how small changes in chemical structure, functional groups and so on can have radically different results than what would be predicted by the structure that is often times ridiculously close to another compound. Tiny changes in dose can have very different results in humans from one compound to another a few mg either way can produce very different subjective and physical states. Shulgin was a structured worker, not only did he make the compounds but he tested them on himself. He wrote down the results of his work, and he was very methodical working the phenethylamine backbone. The PHIKAL compounds are not part of the synthetic industry, but it illustrates in a way just how, lets say fragile, matters are, when it comes to minute changes in compounds that look quite similar.

    Now just look at this. This is the reality of the experiment going down in the legal high stores.

    First a vaporizing blend STG-24. That product contains STG-24, at 5mg/g as the active ingredient. What is STG-24? It is something hidden from consumers because it is a “compound” from the supplier Stargate. They say with this product:

    “This product is intended to be vaporised at a temperature of 190 degrees C. Do not smoke this product as it may produce pyrolysis by-products with unknown and unpredictable toxicity. It consists of natural and synthetic ingredients. It produces a psychoactive effect that can last up to half an hour. Smokers who have not tried this blend before, and smokers with a low tolerance, should try a small amount then wait 10 minutes before trying more.”

    So you need some equipment, a vaporizer, you need to understand what you are doing, vaporizing an unknown compound at 190 degrees.


    In the same store is “Giggle” containing same STG-24 at same dose, but is a smoking blend. What temperature do you smoke at? See above warning, same product two different administration methods. Do the smokers have a worse time? What would a rational consumer do?

    One answer is, why bother with a vaporiser when I can just roll that shit up….and smoke it… combust it…at well over 190 degrees….

    Then we have another product containing CL2201 as the active ingredient. Does anyone buying know or care what this is? Well it is actually another JWH compound JWH-398. Does anyone know or care about that? Well we all should because it is a “research” chemical. And this is the indole type RB discusses in other postings. That dose is 40mg/gram. JWH wouldn’t be taking the compound himself, he said so!

    Then we have PB-22 a quinolone derivative at 50mg/gram…does anyone buying care?

    So effectively we have an uncontrolled experiment going on. It is an experiment with youth in large part….no one is around the details especially not P Dunne nor the Ministry of Health.

    We need to change the cannabis laws and get research chemicals off the streets simple as that.

    It is very amusing to see this going on, while as someone said above, the cannabis elephant in the room watches!

    Come on Stargate International....just what is your STG-24??? We know what your game markets and more markets from the good guys at Stargate!

    NZ • Since May 2011 • 125 posts Report

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