Posts by Rebecca Smith

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  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,


    Ah the Palm Pre. Can't tell you how many people have been asking about that device! Simple answer - it's not on the launch list and I've got no idea what's on the future plan as it's shrouded in secrecy inside Telecom.

    We've been getting some really good feedback on Facebook & Ffunnell about the types of phones people really want to see. I've compiled a list and put it into the "device team" here at Telecom. Personally I'm pretty excited about the line up that goes live on Friday - but then it's been an absolute desert on the device front for the last year - and I can't wait to throw my Okta Boss as far away as possible.

    Keep telling us what you want to see - we are listening!

    Telecom • Since May 2009 • 15 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    Hi Belt,

    Rebecca here from Telecom Business. Our store staff are able to give you details now about the new network (and some of them might even tell you about the plans) but they can't sign you up till Friday - the 29th is the day agreed to as a result of the injunction I'm afraid.

    However you will be able to purchase online - the mobile store on www is being completely overhauled for Friday. I've seen the test site, and it will have a dynamic comparison tool - just click and drag the phones. The phones are all in store now so you can decide what you're after and buy online or over the phone.


    Telecom • Since May 2009 • 15 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    Hi Sam,
    Rebecca here from Telecom Business.

    Hey have to agree that our answer to THAT question is abit roundabout - and on that particular topic, I'm not going to give you anything better. But why don't you check out Chris Kealls blog on the NBR or Pauls response on this discussion. Read between the lines - sometimes others can say what we can't!

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the mobile broadband experience. We have both the T-Stick and the Vodem in our household and I now have to hide my T-Stick as it's first choice. I can tell you there will be a better pricing plan announced - only 3 days away.

    I'm not going to get into a debate about whether 850 is better than 900 - we're just focussed on providing consistent 3G coverage around the country - and the maps will tell that story when you see them on Friday.

    Rebecca (not in PR!)

    Telecom • Since May 2009 • 15 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    Hi Jason. Rebecca here from Telecom Business. Sorry I'm late to the discussion today - been busy getting ready for Fridays launch.

    You're right, there is a whole lot we're keeping under wraps till Friday. But what I can tell you is that the new plans will be quite different to those you're used to. Instead of a contract for every phone, you'll be able to sign up to ONE contract for your business, and add/remove phones to that one contract as you need to. So it's going to be much easier to manage your businesses changing needs (adding contractors etc). Minutes can be shared across the phone users. That's why the phone prices might look higher - because our approach to subsidies will be radically different - they'll be part of the plan rather than in a discounted phone price.

    From a Mobile Broadband perspective, yes these prices are going to get sharper.

    If you're after great service, then why don't you give us a go? I could rave on about how the 126 call centre answers business calls within 20 seconds most of the time. I could tell you all about our Business Broadband helpdesk - dedicated to just answering business enquiries so you don't need to queue up behind some pimple faced gamer. But service is something you need to experience yourself of course.

    Let me know if you've got any other burning questions and I'll see what i can find out for you.

    Telecom • Since May 2009 • 15 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Telecom XT Discussion,

    Hi it's Rebecca here from Telecom Business. Sorry I'm abit late to the discussion - been a busy day getting ready for launch on Friday. If you can tell me your exact location, I'll ask the technical team to check out the 3G coverage map and let you know what to expect. The maps should be up on the website Friday but hopefully we can give you a good steer now. Cheers.

    Telecom • Since May 2009 • 15 posts Report

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