Posts by Elizabeth

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  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    could you try using your poo labels with some precision?

    Got it. Thanks. I've always been a technobimbo...

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let's be Frank,

    yeah fair enough Michael, but I'm a cynic. John Key seems a nice well-meaning guy but remarkably naive. My memories of the early 1990s are just too fresh but I apologise. Or maybe I'm just drunk too :)
    I think he probably really does want to do the right thing by all New Zealanders (except the poor ones who didn't manage to get out of their state house upbringings and the gay ones of course), but I just really do fear there are others pulling his string who don't share his apparent altruism.
    But only time will tell.

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    I haven't been on here long but you do make me smile. Your 3.50 is in the post :)

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Hard News: And meanwhile ...,

    Craig, you know a few libertarians? Poor you. You have all my sympathy :)

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    and, Sofie, how will the NeoCons work with the Maori party?? Good luck, John, you are soooooo naive that a goofy smile will be the glue holding them all together.
    Whew. The nightmare will be over soon. Go Goff go.

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let's be Frank,

    All the flip-flopping from the Nats aside (and this is just the start people, they'll flip flop constantly from now on), does anyone else feel a little pang of hope that it will all combust before long? Dunne and Hide are already sniping at each other and they haven't even been sworn in as Ministers yet, and in response (Don)Key just keeps smiling inanely....
    And add a Maori Minister into the mix...the NeoCons just won't cope with that at all, surely?
    Let the scrapping begin and may the next 3 years fly past with not too much damage being wreaked in the meantime...

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Southerly: Sir Roger Tipped As New…,

    Also laughing. Thanks, David. I'm sure you're right. That's definitely it. I particularly like the orange glow when he's wearing the mustard jacket. I can read a book in the resulting light thrown out from the TV. It's positively radioactive.

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Southerly: Sir Roger Tipped As New…,

    Joe - agreed!

    And can someone please explain to me why Rodney Hide is orange??? It's deeply disturbing and puts me off my dinner.

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    I was amused by the fact that in Key's rather strange, certainly non-Prime Ministerial speech on Sat night (which had all the naive glee of just being told he had won the prize for the tastiest pie of the year or something), he never used a word larger than about 2 syllables. Such that even a 12 year old could have understood what he was talking about.
    Then yesterday I read some literacy report that suggested that the average reading age in NZ is about all makes sense then! (Don)Key was being inclusive (yeah right, if you're not gay or brown eh Mate).
    Anyway, I want to defend Goff. He's no Helen, but at least he's extremely smart, and hugely experienced, and with Helen and Michael still in opposition, I think (Don)Key's lack of intelligence is very soon going to be revealed....

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

  • Southerly: Sir Roger Tipped As New…,

    This is hilarious, David. And the replies are so funny too. Scary thing is how real a prospect it is now.
    I am waiting for the shock therapy to start now in NZ. A financial crisis (requisite disaster for Friedman apologists). Five scary neocon's in Govt. Wait for it....let's hope that Key chap has the cojones to stick to the promises that sucked the gullible Kiwis in and keep Douglas away from any influence.

    Kapiti • Since Nov 2008 • 20 posts Report

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