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  • Access: Disability Stakeholders,

    I found one person/web site who said:
    " What is the difference between Disability and Impairment?
    • Disability is a generic term whereas impairment is specific.
    • Disability is at a non-medical level whereas impairment is at a medical level.
    • Impairment is an abnormality in the structure or function of an organ.
    • Impairment takes place at the level of the organ or tissue whereas disability could be the difficulty experienced by the person in performing daily activities to a level that is considered normal for all human beings."
    From site
    Still to me doesn't seem like a big difference in meaning .
    If this word difference between "impairment" and "disability" is really so big a difference that it stops communication =shouldn't it been here?

    Some people have self mastery and can control their reactions( inc emotional) ...I think I would like to have that:)

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration,

    Change is constant so hope for change is likely to happen- I don't want to sound like these people leading the direction of healthcare can't change because they can. It changed from healthcare into a funding model.
    I just think that they need to become aware of the facts, the changed roles, the problems with their thinking feeling and the funding model.
    These things that are happening are being denied not remedied, when denied there are seen to be no problems and therefore can not be positive changes.

    On a personal positive note how ever undesirable and unacceptable this experience is, it is what I need to experience to grow in consciousness. Life teaches and you can see how they erroneously judge the value of another's life , now they need to understand it and unless we explain it how will they ever know.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration, in reply to Angela Hart,

    If the HDC said in his book 200 med providers should be struck off that is from his findings so his are not mine.
    Post 4/4/6 no dr's treated my acute and serious life threatening neurological, internal or orthopedic injuries , they used all their combined medical knowledge to not treat or care for me but to assist 'funders'.
    I'm sure its possible these same drs treat other people as I noted a newspaper story a man got some acute treatment and injury care that i needed .

    Sorry I am a total skeptic about the NZ 'healthcare' system- I believe its broken.
    I do not believe the role of "keepers of the crowns money" should be taken on by drs as it causes cognitive errors .I am very happy to hear you have access to a good dr, for I am sure there are some that remember the real role of a dr .

    LIke with the case of the DPO"s trust comes when we are able to predict what other people will do, and we achieve that by repeated cooperative actions.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability Stakeholders, in reply to Sacha,

    Then someone else had better explain why people get offended by words and the ego identity. I do hope this explains what I was trying to say.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration,

    In theory NZ use to have the better ideas for a health system than the USA, a once open system when mistakes are made they are acknowledged (without liability) and remedied .
    Now mistakes are not acknowledged and there are no watchdogs.
    Still have no liability but roles of the drs have changed and they are now "keepers of the funders money" .
    The irony is NZ medical system still gives monies to whoever and whatever companies they want want to profit but get the providers to keep the patient healthcare & treatment costs down by denying them by way deliberate misdiagnosis. The old HDC commissioner said 200 should be struck off -but didn't do it.
    I really don't understand why doctors accepted the role change from one of the most honourable professions to a bureaucrat in a corrupt bureaucracy.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability Stakeholders,

    White "wiggers" all use the "n" word, white people use it now this increased usage of the "n" word came from a jointly from the the rap music & movie industry( Tarantino).

    On the closer to home issue (but on the wrong thread).
    Why do you get offended if non disabled person uses the very same word a disabled person uses to you and does not offend?

    The ego mind tells you the word is your self identity and creates the idea that without disability the non disabled person is different from you, and that separates you from them and the fear of the ego, the fear of inferiority, thought occurs to you and makes you angry.
    Same word doesn't offend when you know the disabled person does not trigger these unconscious thoughts, fears and feelings of separation.
    People use language all the time to assert superiority, it does not work if you do not have underlying feelings and thoughts of inferiority.

    There have always been ignorant people that use words to insult other people feeding their ego's inferiority complex, if its not one word it will be another.
    I propose offense from words is a case of mistaken self identity.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Cause, care, cure and celebration, in reply to debunk,

    Great point not discussed as the medico industrial label industry does not want to stop labeling individuals .

    Some specialists in 2006 said I would die, when I did not (even with the three months of needed ICU care removed) they decided ( even with an in house ethical specialist) to try to end my life with forced active rehab while I was in critical condition .
    My impairment/disability include "symptoms" of ASD (and much more), parietal lobe epilepsy, mirror-touch synesthesia , purple cars taste like grape, misophonia, ( also some sexy & rare neurological "problems"), a SCI,severe pain , "reginal pain disorder, motion blindness & left side blindness , headaches, migranes, numbness, nerve damage, "problems" with Cognitive Function (e.g., attention and anterograde & retrograde memory)Motor function (e.g., extremity weakness, impaired coordination and balance)Sensation (e.g., hearing, vision, impaired perception and touch) &Emotion, lost my second language (sometimes it sounds like someone is speaking in a different one) my condition is not stable the conditions are just as unstable. One day I cannot get up with pelvic and spinal pain, then three days the whole world is tossing like a boat that wants to throw me into the sea.

    Anyhow I agree these acts of attaching medical labeling to babies, toddlers and people then funding heaps say you are trying to stop the stigma these labels create is such a stupid act .
    The AMA sit around and make up disorders like C.U.D. if your coffee intake effects your behaviour. If it wasn't so harmful I would laugh .If your toddler tantrums and you say its a problem they are labeled , if you show signs of opposing the govt (or are a non CIA funded activist) you probably have O.D.D.

    As the NZRA spokesperson said its a rotten egg( paraphrasing) we have a case of the industrial medical complex in the society of the investment banker.
    Society has funding model syndrome .

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability Stakeholders, in reply to Martin Sullivan,

    In the 60s & 70s when those involved in the civil rights movement just rethought the meaning of the word “black” ( “black is beautiful” ) the word black remained the same. Only the minds accepting(not feeling offended) by it changed. In accepting it they changed it.
    Interestingly now different "black" people use the ‘n’ word today to each other ( 'n' word use spread from the music industry).

    Many disabled people did not reject the word "disabled", and are OK with the word use. Allowing other people to use the word, as they know they are not Self identified with the word or reduced to a mere label ( *knowing these labels are the minds clumsy efforts to see differences not similarities). If we want to learn anything from the love movement of the 60's then we can think and feel differently about the word accept and embrace (our) diversity.
    Shouldn't this conversation be in the words & disability thread.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability Stakeholders, in reply to Martin Sullivan,

    So after semantics play (and our fixations on words and tripping up on them) who do you think are "stakeholders" in the- social- response- to- impairment ?

    2) Should we have a shadow govt and shadow reports? Should our human rights (under the UN convention) just be "optional"?

    3) Optional question :if your funding (and funding for all those interested and motivated in the arena of disability support) was fixed and not dependent on this (shadow) govt wouldn't this see and improvement in the responses and actions of those stuck in-the-social-response-to-impairment?

    In my case I know there were also (amongst the drones) a couple of kind people who felt fearful & helpless to act against an (*imagined) giant corporation and all its shadows.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

  • Access: Disability, identity and the internet, in reply to Chelle Hope,

    Its a shame that people didn't engage.
    But big Yes- I think your blog posts discussions are warm, friendly and encouraging and because you open your heart I think people would be comfortable asking you questions.

    Since Apr 2014 • 61 posts Report

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