Hard News by Russell Brown

Week Ending

I met the Father of the Internet! Vint Cerf was nice - like the great teacher you never had at school - and I have a lengthy and interesting interview on tape. I'm writing it up for The Listener, but I'll post the full transcript here presently.

Thanks for all the entries in the Hard News Faith Challenge - a variety of belief systems have been put forward, and I'll choose a winner and excerpt the best entries early next week.

For now, go and visit my other blog at Mediawatch (it should be updated by this afternoon) and feel free to read this column by Jonathan Freedland. One characteristic of the debate on war has been for each side to point to right-wingers who oppose war and lefties who support it. Freedland, who writes in the Guardian, has often been indentified as one of the latter - but, of course, his views are rather more nuanced than that. He believes those who are opposed to war on Iraq need to show that there is a peaceful way to liberate its people - and thinks about what that way might be.