Field Theory by Hadyn Green



Hey so what happens when you follow your international travel with a chest infection? Not a lot of writing it turns out. This uniform competition has officially gone on too long, and like a 40min boat race, it’s time to call an end.

The best rugby uniform in the world right now is (drum roll)… The All Blacks!

And it was a huge victory with the national team taking 70% of the vote against a uniform that I thought was the worst of the NZ super franchises. So adidas’ #1 jersey is #1 overall. Look at how pretty it is in black and white and red!

The other winner is the person who picks up the three bags of Eden Coffee coffee beans for putting their name down for the vote. And that winner (by random number generator) is: Dave Patrick! Dave voted for (I’m sure he wouldn’t be embarrassed by my printing his private votes in public) France over New Zealand and I salute him for it.

Dave drop me a line via the email link below and I’ll sort out getting that coffee to you.

Thanks to everyone who entered. It’s been a fun little exercise and an eye opening/watering one in some cases, hope yall had as much fun as I did.

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