I feel ashamed that I have let such an interesting and frankly amazing sporting contest go by without mention. I naturally refer to the Breakers dominant season and their (don’t jinx it don’t jinx it don’t jinx it) run at the championship.
So basketball fans I deeply apologise. I personally haven’t watched much of the game since the mid-90s when Jordan was doing his thing and every kid second in school had a Charlotte Hornets’ jacket or backpack or Starter cap. March Madness is interesting, but beyond that… I just can’t find the game exciting. Which is cool, because I know (through emails) that some of you don’t like the same sports that I do.
But less nostalgia and more “Holy fuck do you think they can do it?!”
I have no idea. The weight of evidence is on their side, but it’s the play-offs and as we all know play-offs are crazy. For example a three game series means that a dominant team winning 2-0 has their victory celebrations in the opposition’s home town. And really, is there anything to do in Cairns?
After looking for that Starter cap image I managed to take a walk through the late 80s and early 90s on the internet. Man there were some crazy ads and clothing back then. For example what self-respecting fan would wear a shirt like this? (mildly NSFW, it won’t get you fired but you might be slightly embarrassed if anyone sees it).
Anyway as today is essentially Friday, let’s go with retro basketball videos, starting with my all-time favourite ad from the 90s.
And remember when Shaq’s thing was breaking backboards? “Don’t fake the funk on a nasty dunk”, indeed.
And then, um, this.