Posts by Rob Hosking

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  • Hard News: Feeling Unserious,

    Ahh...those Who clips. Both from 'The Kids Are Alright' - I wore out my vinyl copy, the first time I'd ever done that to a record.

    Now THIS one, on my personal top ten One Hit Wonders of All Time AND Top Ten Guitar Solos of All Time:

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feeling Unserious,

    ...and because this is all getting just too tasteful - a HUGE hit from '76...:

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feeling Unserious,


    Because it got a mention on an earlier thread....[and because it was the first time I ever heard a single and went 'I Must Have That Record Now' ]

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Breaking up the Band,


    Dog Whistle! Dog Whistle!

    He's trying to let people know he's really an Eisenhower Republican.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Ways to Go,

    The thought has just struck me....simply because its on the CD player this arvo as I browse the blogs...
    ...that Tall Dwarfs' 'Brain that Wouldn't Die' would be a damn fine tune to go out on. Also a good joke for those who know the title.

    PS: anyone else ever tried Caol Ila? Just discovered it this arvo on the recommendation of a bloke at Welly Regional Wines and Spirits and it's marvellous stuff.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Sutch Files,

    ...very drunken russian sailors wanking to know where the music was - definitely not interested in the whole bringing down the state thing...

    I think we have a winner in 'Typo of the Month' contest.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Island Life: Songs in the life of Key,

    The candidate must lie naked all night in a coffin-like box, only his nostrils protruding above the icy water with which it is filled, and with heavy stones laid on his chest. In this position he must compose a poem of considerable length in the most difficult of the many difficult bardic meters, on a subject which is given him as he is placed in the box. On his emergence next morning he must be able to chant this poem to a melody which he had been simultaneously composing, and accompany himself on the harp.

    And that is how 'Macarthur Park' came to be written....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don Paul,

    I'm not so sure you'd appreciate the influence of Mr Pointy on a Ranapia Administration. Seriously, I was one of those kids who school reports were endless variations on the theme "does not play well with others". The whole non-existent brain/mouth filter thing isn't a good fit with modern retail politics either. :)

    I suspect most people who have regularly contributed to the blogosphere have probably ruled themselves out of a political career - a successful one, anyway - at least, those who contributed prior to becoming, say, an MP or a candidate.

    I don't know what the Mr Pointy referred to in the above post is, and I'm not going to risk clicking on the link.

    If I didn't think he'd take it as a deadly insult I'd say...oh what the hell, I'll say it anyway...I think Craig would make a fantastic newspaper columnist. Yes, seriously.

    I shall now retire to a safe distance and write about interest rates.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don Paul,

    Its a pity Brash didn't expand on this - I'd be fascinated to hear his examples of 'Key unplugged'.

    I suspect its a reference to the accord he reached with Clark over the anti-smacking bill. It was acknowledged at the time Key winged this one.

    On the article itself - I thought it was very good. And in case anyone thinks Ruth is some sort of Brash sympathiser, look up the articles she wrote after the first Orewa speech.

    Gareth, *possibly* the Treasury-commissioned McLeod report on tax would have the info you're looking for

    The review was actually commissioned by Cullen. The second part of Labour's 1999 tax policy was to have a review (the first part being the 39% top tax rate).

    According to Beehive legend, Cullen threw the report in the bin and snarled he'd just paid $1 million for the Business Roundtable's tax policy.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,


    The Pachelbel bloke left out this one: a Kiwi band from the late 60s (this was a hit around the time I started school)

    Yep, that's Pete Sinclair doing the intro...

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

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