Posts by Heather Gaye

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  • Speaker: To Smock is to Love,

    "Snap my picture..."

    smack my bishop?

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Island Life: Sorted for E's and Votes,

    For some reason, the first tune I thought of was "we don't need another hero".

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,

    the men don't talk to me, sob.

    probably too busy working. Y'know, in the zone. Oh, I should probably be there too. *coff*

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Speaker: To Smock is to Love,

    i think the ethics of that smocking needs a lot more debate though.

    Aha! This is the debate I've been waiting to watch...
    (waits for merc)
    (gets popcorn)
    (oo, I feel like I'm at the THEATRE)

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,

    This is great

    Yeah, actually, it just occurred to me now that she was probably hunting for some indication of rampant misogyny that was exclusive to IT. I know a couple of women that had some problems in university engineering courses, but my experience of the industry has been all good.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Also last night and all through the "campaign" there are people saying "the vast majority of NZers oppose this bill".

    ..primarily related to online and talkback radio polls asking who believes a light smack should be a criminal offence. Frankly, I'm surprised those polls only came out 80% against.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,

    Strictly on the subject of the lack of female political bloggers, and primarily from my experience of kiwi political blogs, in the sense that they're not viciously misogynist in the way that the blogs that have hit the news are (well, except where they're viciously anti-everything, misogyny doesn't really come high on the list):

    It's put in mind the woman that interviewed the female staff at my workplace (a software outsourcer) a few years back. She was doing some research and discovered that since the '80s, after the whole "girls can do anything" drive, the proportion of women in every single male-dominated industry had risen, except the IT industry, where it had dropped. During the interview she told me the one theory that looked most plausible was that would-be career women don't feel the need to prove themselves so much, so they're more motivated to enter a career they actually enjoy.

    Anyway, I wonder if pol-blogging is just something that women generally don't enjoy as much as men? I've very occasionally blogged current affairs, obviously I'm happy commenting on other political blogs, but it's not something I'd do on a regular basis. Partly that's because I find the energetic nature of the debate difficult to sustain, partly I'm not that interested in the subject matter (or tire of it quickly) and partly there's sufficient people blogging/commenting that most of what I'm thinking gets said eventually anyway.

    So...if that's the case, then I don't think there really needs to be so much emphasis on getting more female readers, rather than just ensuring that the landscape is suitable for the ones that are reading... even then, I think an important part of political blogging is the spirited debate / tedious diatribe, and there's no case for quashing that just for the sake of getting more girls to read. In that sense I think PAS is the ideal middle-ground (spirited but friendly, with political and non-political subject matter), current proportion of female contribution is probably about the best you're going to get.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    :) Not much to tell, actually, it's something I do for sport. Just I wasn't quite prepared for the onslaught to which I was subjected last weekend. Awesome bruises though.

    Oddly enough, I can walk fine now, but sitting down for long periods is hell.

    Personally, I'm curious to hear how you damage yourself doing yoga.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    But I've spent the last six months on a diet of physio and anti-inflammatories after injuring a hip doing yoga. It aches in the cold which I think officially pushes me into the ranks of Old Bastard.

    I'm having a similar problem right now (though not quite as severe), except my rheumatics are due to ..err... fighting. Would've dealt better, but I wasn't expecting her to kick me quite so much.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,

    ...the revelation in this particular case was those astounding 25-to-1 AOL figures. I know it's a small part of the net, and perhaps we're different round these here parts, but seriously, twenty-five to one???

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

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