Posts by Joanna

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  • Hard News: The Flashing Question Mark,

    Bad plan Joanna. You're lying to your kids either way and that won't work as long-term strategy.

    Sorry, I will hoist my "I am very much kidding" flag a little higher next time.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Flashing Question Mark,

    Tom, I think the obvious thing to do would be to go onto Bebo, pose as a teenage boy, and try and pick up your niece to see if she's got enough sense to tell you to get lost...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Flashing Question Mark,

    Not a single mention of how sad you are to not be in Wellington for tonight Russell? *sobs*

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sole Man,

    You'll have to join the Dunedinista for a beer when we next meet.

    You'd better be careful there Grant, or we'll be sending you "Cease and Desist!" emails...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Wellingtonista and Want-mas,

    good work whoever pulled it off.

    James pulled it off. Heh heh heh.

    Also, new challenge for someone to try tomorrow: try going a whole day without using whatever your verbal tick is, such as a) innuendo b) swear words or c) the word 'like' (or d. all of those things). It's bloody hard I tells ya.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Wellingtonista and Want-mas,

    For Xmas this year I want the things that I nominated for TAWAs to win, and I want everyone to come along and have a good time on the night, and for us to become rich and famous.

    Also, I really really want a giant moosehead from Wanda Harland that's made of little bits of plywood like those dinosaur skeletons I'm sure you all used to have that you put together yourself.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: They can see your house from here,

    I'm excited that you can see my bed in the photo of my house.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Cracker: Every Time A Coconut,

    My sister had some time off work she needed to take, so I told her that if we could find a holiday for under a grand, I'd go with her. I should point out that I was just about to plunge into one of the deeper crevasses of depression that I've had in recent years, but somehow we managed to see that House of Travel had specials to Samoa, and neither of us had ever been, so I checked flights and accommodation online. I specifically requested when I emailed a travel agent that we stay in Coconuts Resort, because their cheapest garden rooms had a seperate lounge with sleepable couch and bedroom, and my sister and I are both snorers and I get as cranky as anything if I can't have a few err personal minutes every night.

    So the travel agent gave us a quote and while it was way over the original grand, it did include the meal plan ($75 for breakfast, lunch w open bar and 3 course dinner with open bar) and we even had some back'in forth because flight times changed and there were discrepancies with how many days we'd have at the resort and therefore how much meal plan we'd need. But my sister turned out to be much better at doing maths than both me and the travel agent, and we thought we were all set,having paid for half the trip. And oh boy were we excited!

    Then I got an email from the travel agent saying that our accomodation wasn't actually confirmed, the rooms we wanted weren't available and we had two options -- either pay an additional $400 each to go stay at the nearby resort - in a one room space, or pay $1500 to upgrade to the villas at Coconuts Luckily those emails came through on a Tuesday night, so I was drunk and full of arrogance based on winning at Quiz Night. I wrote back saying that was totally unacceptable, that we'd been given no indication at any time that our rooms wouldn't be available that we'd already paid for the meal plan and that they'd just have to find a better solution for us. It was a very forthright email, not offensively so but I am still in awe that we wrote it. End result? The travel agent apologised, and we ended up staying - at their additional expense in an over-water fale and a Royal Villa. It was the BEST HOLIDAY EVER. and we just regret that the staff tip box was locked away when we left in the morning because we had a lot of tale we wanted to slip in.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Proud Wednesday,

    one actor has a residual clause that runs into the high six figures, which just isn't viable for anyone.

    I hope they also have a residual clause that states that if they're going to get more money now that they need to have the same hairstyle now as they did then!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Random Play: Make It Easy On Yourself,

    Maybe he suspected I didn't know how to get home?

    One of the things I love about Green Cabs in Wellington is that I know almost all the drivers now, so if I should ever be a little errr confused when I get into their cars late at night, I know they know where I live!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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