Posts by conseismal

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  • Hard News: Friday Ideas,

    chaps. you definitely need more TROLLS in your community. things are sounding way too comfy here, and keeping the USA at an even comfier arms length even whilst her longest culturo-technological probes have long ago bored deep into your innermost oil-wells can only be bad for your most comprehensive health! Yet still you play fast loose and ever-so-cute with 'culture' ..if i didn't know better, i'd just go transliterate a Maori RIGHT NOW!

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    OUR part in HUMAN-induced global warming?
    back atcha, badger..

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    hey, come ON
    GW tends to be ever implying that it is WE who are responsible for everything, including the bloodless blessings of climate change
    and, as such, can only wait upon our proper comeuppance
    (..short, natch, of identifying/excluding the one responsible...)

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    Barnes, yr 'selection' of the pharse 'god of choice' may be revealing... for it neatly confuses the thought that this vague 'consumer-drivenness' is our god (which i do not quite believe, for god plainly emerges, in a word, from what is *not* consumed) with the thought that 'choice' itsveryself is the real God, and as such coincides, dare i say, with all that we hold most christian and/or utterly dependent on a purely personal assent...

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    George W Bush listened to scientists too, most especially in those agonisng months preceding the announcement on stem cell research. He probably read more on this than you & i and all of us internet-bouncing bunnies put together... and where did it get him? Shot from all sides again..

    i HAVE taken, DO take, yr point on the "accusatory tone" however, dear Mr Brown...

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    (you amalgamated "fundamentalist christianity" with "anti-satanism" ..something in there expects satan to rock right up and defend himself from such denigration, does it not?)

    experimentally as always

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    i mean come ON (reversing your NO)
    your cosmicall- intact Maori would have simply offed the perp and been DONE with it - right? or wrong?

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    and what reasoned seat of authority now speaks, pray tell, for this particular legitimacy?

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    well golly, who'd a thunk it. territory is so fertill for plucking here that a poor lonesome troll he hardly know which key to hit first. Methinkums must first have some sort of comment though from RB on the queerest disjunction between his mocking tone towards pope's call for a 'reasoned authority' and, in the next breath, a call for the very same to quell quarrel on ye olde 'climate change' front!

    But a *scientific solution* to social problems? HELLO?

    as for the AIDS thing.. deferral to a perceived authority has been with us since U-Know-When!

    and THAT is an overview??? Saying that "it's irrefutable" because "most scientists" believe it? We swore to pursue truth wherever we found it for that??? it seems much, much more important for you folks to identify the enemy than to take time out to re-evaluate the whole historical construction of your opinion over time..

    specifically christian heresy is one of the great driving engines of our culture.. you must consider your 'denialism' in the wider context of this

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

  • Hard News: Greetings from the Garden City,


    just a nudge here then in the direction of the Papal Encyclical on Economics, which, given its content concerning Youth Culture
    as the downfall of same, was perfectly obscured in its weblication by the precision sacrifice of Michael Jackson at the time...

    Since Jul 2009 • 54 posts Report

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