Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Yellow Peril: Bai bai,

    And from what I can see from here, the Movement back home is taking care of itself.

    Have you seen this?

    Are you sure you want to desert us?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Word of the Year 2007,


    It's a more apt term for those that are both stupidly famous and famously stupid.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Word of the Year 2007,


    Their PR spinmasters have tried to foist the term Celebutante on us, but no, let's stick with Celebutard. It's a more apt term for those that both stupidly famous and famously stupid.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Making a list,

    What the hell were the people who gave Tim Burton the greenlight to make a blood-splattered film of Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street on?

    dey wurnt on nuthin.

    to get a film greenlite you only need sez one wurd: Depp!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Making a list,

    I should try to watch some of that stuff stacking up on the PVR

    Tell me about it sister! I've only got 22GB left on my 160GB PVR. How the heck am I meant to watch 140GB worth of TV (all recorded at LP speed) so I can clear the PVR in time for the Christmas Hols? And do the Xmas shopping. I'm seriously thinking of buying another PVR (250GB) - does this mean I have a problem?

    the Shortland Street serial killer will become known to us in the final week this year ... I've got no frakking idea who it is.

    And I haven't watched SS since Michael Galvin was on. And since he's back on, I'm going to say it was him. Dead cert.

    I'm supposed to be impressed that Californication doesn't even have the courage of its own ugliness?

    You'd prefer it was more like Rude Awakenings?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • __Faux__RADIATION: **Californication**,

    Since RADIATION has joined FairGo and gone on hiatus for Christmas, I thought I'd chip in with another 2¢ on Californication.

    Earlier I had made disparaging comments, after having seen only one episode in Australia. Last night I watched the first four episodes back-to-back and I have to say, I think the show isn't so bad afterall. The character development is a lot more defined and the situations Duscovny finds himself in make more sense. It's clear he still loves his 'wife' and wants to get back with her.
    Meantime he's getting more sex than ... than ... well, it really is the stuff of Penthouse Forum isn't it?

    It's a Showtime show, and like HBO they can put out some good stuff. If you've had trouble getting into it try watching it in blocks rather than 30 minute episodes (or wait for the DVD), it has a better flow.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Some Links That Are 'Anti' MySpace and Facebook,

    About a week ago on another thread I said (re Facebook):

    It can't be long before we all get a message "Russell Brown has just rented 'An@l Midget Leather Fest' from Blockbuster - would you like to reserve your copy??"

    It seems they have responded to my fears (okay, and those of 51,500 others) and reversed themselves:

    Critics objected to what they viewed as a breach in privacy because users would have to formally decline to have the information displayed after making purchases at each participating web site. Most Facebook applications involve a pro-active “opt-in,” with users choosing to participate. MoveOn and the more than 51,500 members of its protest group wanted Facebook to make the Beacon feature “opt-in,” too, meaning that if a user took no action, their information would not be displayed.

    And that’s what Facebook will do, the site announced this evening.

    HuffPo also have a humorous-but-serious one about MySpace from Jim David

    The first warning signal was when Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace in yet another attempt at world domination. Big Brother is not just watching, we're providing him the stuff to watch. I became instantly uneasy about one of the world's largest media empires knowing who my "friends" are, or dressed in drag at a Halloween party. Remember the scenes in classic thrillers where someone would get an anonymous letter or phone call saying, "We know who you are and we know who your friends are"? Now they DO ...

    The straw that broke the MySpace back came when some maniac hacked into my profile and started sending out mass emails, as me, inviting people to some porn hook-up site. Aside from the embarrassment, I would have hoped that my real "friends' would realize that if I was inviting them to a porn site, the people would be a hell of a lot better looking.

    I know that there's alot of functionality on FB and MyS that suit a lot of people. It is a great way to keep up with people you haven't seen for yonks. But crikey, the stuff some people put on their profiles - and BB is just round the corner. In about 20 years time some political hopefuls are going to have their ambitions squashed because of something they put on their page as a teen. (Yes, we all know the local example so I won't link).

    Vetting potential dates might be an eye opener too ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too busy with First Life sorry,

    do you think the guy who posted this comment on Huffington Post
    has A Life, let alone a Second Life?

    Speak 4 yourself you loser you like what clearly seems to be semi-nude pornography...


    Get ready 4 the fires of hell...

    If you're a male get ready 4 a domino effect style
    homosexual raping 4 all eternity with you being constantly violated orally & anally without ceasing = LEARN 2 BREATHE THRU YOUR NOSE...

    If you are a woman prepare 2 be repeatedly raped in every orifice with whatever fits by qrotesque
    beasts / demons forever & ever without ceasing...

    Again learn to breathe thru your nose...

    Both will be a endless conscious awareness of what
    is actually transpiring - that will never stop...

    That is the punishment awaiting those who end up in the lake of fire - DO ENJOY IT...

    To you I may be a whack-job = BUT THE TRUTH HURTS
    demon seed like yourself & that is obviously what you are JEZABEL / LILITH...


    AcitizenNJ typed:

    as for the end of days comment above

    you brain-dead fucking idiotic moron = YOU WERE THE TOP COMMENT - SO WHERE'S THIS COMMENT ABOVE =

    don't worry the end of days is still coming & just
    like you can't tell the difference between above & below = YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE

    WOE UNTO YOU..........

    Clearly the moderation on HuffPo isn't as vigilant as PAS


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,


    On page four I said (re Facebook):

    It can't be long before we all get a message__ "Russell Brown has just rented 'An@l Midget Leather Fest' from Blockbuster - would you like to reserve your copy??"__

    It seems they have responded to my fears (okay, and 51,500 others) and reversed themselves:

    Critics objected to what they viewed as a breach in privacy because users would have to formally decline to have the information displayed after making purchases at each participating web site. Most Facebook applications involve a pro-active “opt-in,” with users choosing to participate. MoveOn and the more than 51,500 members of its protest group wanted Facebook to make the Beacon feature “opt-in,” too, meaning that if a user took no action, their information would not be displayed.

    And that’s what Facebook will do, the site announced this evening.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too busy with First Life sorry,

    I was interested to see that one of the questions asked of Michael Cullen this morning after his keynote speech suggested New Zealand should follow Sweden and establish an embassy in Second Life.

    Can someone clarify: did Cullen suggest opening an embassy, or just the questioner?

    What was his response, if it's the latter?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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