Posts by rodgerd

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Perhaps we could also have a word of condemnation for them too.

    You've offered plenty of opportunities for people to condemn those who are happy to kill random civilians for fun and profit and I don't think you're going to make any more progress this time than you have in the past. Some of PA's denizens are, sadly, wedded to the idea that it's OK. or, at the very least, unable to condemn murder when it's by people they see as politically sympathetic.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Back in the mainstream,

    But you've really got to wonder what Rudd really believes in, and how he's going to handle doing anything that can't be smoothed over with bland bormides and might actually be unpopular.

    He probably looked at the John Key love-in and decided to follow an apparently winning strategy.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Maoriland Calling,

    You're obviously more hooked into the arts scene that I, but could you point to any artist who doesn't want their work seen and discussed?

    I'm not much of an artist (I've sold a few prints and given permission for photos to be used ina Metropolitan Police presentation and a book on surfing in South Africa, of all things), but I can think of all sorts of circumstances under which I would be more than a little pissed off if my art popped up somewhere. Other people implicitly or explicitly claiming credit for it, for starters. Being used by politicians I don't like. Or, for that matter, being used by someone who can't be arsed asking.

    The whole "I'm giving you free publicity" is mostly self-serving horseshit.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Speaker: Family First, Blowjob Later,

    he only conclusion possible is you really are desperate to defend our ruling junta who have left us with little more than pineapple lumps

    dad4justice, is that you?

    On a related them, I was re-watching Life of Brian the other night and wondering exactly how thick you'd have to be to claim, as some people did, that the character was meant to be Jesus. What with Brian watching the Sermon on the Mount at the start of the film.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    And lastly. Anybody who has spent any time around the activist community has heard this sort "kill a politician" B.S. talk.

    Well, you know, maybe the "activist community" should spend less time on talking about the idea of killing people. For one thing, it would make it easier to tell the actual bad bastards from the stupid wankers.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Whew! At least we probably all agree on this one.

    Inconcievable. Why, I have it on very good authority from members of this very community that the police are in on it with the gang leaders, don't monitor gangs and drug dealers, and only send out the armed coppers to deal with harmless Maori peace activists!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    I'd take a lot of the pants-wetting about the subversion of the judicial process involved in leaking this information more seriously if it came from people who had offered equal condemnation of people who were demanding politicians over-ride the courts by forcing the release of the accused, filling the airwaves and appers with claims that no-one involved would hurt a fly, and so on, all of which is at least as prejudicial to the chance of getting a fair trial in front of a jury.

    As is, it seems like most of the fury is rank hypocrisy from people who were happy to play trial-by-media when it was running their way, and are now dreadfully upset at information not so favourable to "the cause". And, for example, smearing the police as guilty of leaking (no actual evidence; so much for respect for the rule of law) while they do so.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report


    White farmer thinks he can shoot at people intruding on his land - reasonable self-defence

    Oh, quit with the hysterical bullshit. The police haul in people claiming to have used firearms in self-defence all the time. You wouldn't get a more claer-cut case of self-defence that the firearms store shooting in Auckland, and the police still hauled the (white) guy behind the counter into court.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report


    JAILED, not just charged or hassled, JAILED. it's not exactly a fucking picnic in there.

    Speaking of weird ideas of special pleasding, I find it more than a little irked at the amount of outrage at the idea people who have been arrested end up in a prison cell.

    Try running around the back blocks with an illegal rifle threatening your ex-wife and see where you end up. Jail, until the courts sort out whether you have a case to answer. Ditto any other number of serious offences. It's perfectly normal.

    Unless you think police shouldn't be allowed to arrest and request the detention of anyone who calls themselves an activist, no matter what.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Truth About Babies,

    One evil night - Good Friday 2004 - the constipation ended. Gallons of it. It went up the back of the cast, and down the legs. Unbeknown to us, a couple of sores had developed under the cast. When the poo got into them, it stung and the poor wee soul shrieked for hours.

    A friend of mine had one of his sons block up for a week or two. When he finally emptied it looked like, in his words, "someone had taken a onesie and fulled it absolutely full of baby shit, and then crammed a baby in."

    Happily it was summer, so he took the one year old outside and cleaned up with the garden hose.

    I guess it's not that I necessarily disagree with everything the Breastapo says -- but I was alarmed by their one-size-fits-all attitude (as Emma points out). The lactation consultant at the presentation that I went to basically had no time for any mother who didn't want to give up her career -- and spend the rest of her life chained to her baby. I thought that was a little unrealistic, myself.

    Oh, hell, that takes me to the pain a rellie had, living in the Deep South. The health authority in her area had decided that the nice cheap volunteers from the fucking La Leche league were the answer to breastfeeding counselling. You can imagine how useful they were for a first-time mother with a baby who wasn't keen on feeding (boys born with jaws that Just Don't Latch run in the family).

    Because when you're an exhausted, miserable solo mum struggling with your first kid and a history of depression, what you really want is some self-righteous bitch telling you you're lazy. Fuck You, Southland health, and fuck you La Leche "lactation experts".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

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