Posts by Paul Litterick

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  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    In any case, the suggestion that a wealthy financier might have a financial interest is (a) scarcely original and (b) not a conspiracy theory – there is only one financier in the room, and he cannot conspire with himself.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    ...and LaRouche connects Soros with the Rothschilds.

    Does Wishart?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    ...authors of such articles should not be suggesting these mere conspiracy theories just because they are unwarranted; they should also not be suggesting these mere conspiracy theories because they will be conscious of what certain elements of their readership will make of or do with them.

    I am sure Wishart was not thinking of Public Address readers when he wrote this piece.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    that such a conspiracy theory is but mere steps away from other, similar, conspiracy theories.

    But it is not identical with those theories. It is quite possible to suggest an international conspiracy of financiers without that conspiracy being a Jewish one. Such conspiracies are suggested frequently in leftish publications, without anyone accusing the author or the readership of anti-semitism.

    Unfortunately, many people on the left are prone to accusing people on the right of racism at the slightest opportunity. As you say, "inferences are context-sensitive, which is why we can make them in some situations and not in others."

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    Now this might be a false dilemma, but its a dilemma that is fairly common in the existing conspiracy theory literature and it's not a an unwarranted inference to make.

    Yes it is, because bankers does not necessarily imply Jews and because accusing people of anti-semitism is a serious matter.

    That "certain readers" think the banking business reveals a Jewish plot is irrelevant. Certain readers will think many things.

    It might also be worth noting that George Soros is neither Jewish nor a banker.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    ...just need to be aware vaccines do have risks.

    But autism is not one of them. A tiny minority of the people who received a vaccination have suffered adverse reactions. However, these do not include autism. So the matter of vaccine reactions is not relevant to the matter of autism.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    I wasn't going to suggest that Wishart was alluding to a Zionist banking conspiracy theory because, well, I had enough trouble with the Truthers late last year and don't really want a round, at the moment, with Wishart and Howling at the Moon.

    Hold on, chaps. Merely because Wishart mutters about bankers does not make him an anti-semite. I cannot recall Wishart making anti-semetic remarks (quite the opposite, in fact) or discussing a Jewish banking conspiracy. The inference is being drawn here, not in Investigate.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    Nice Wurlitzer.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Start with your conclusion,

    I, for one, have never seen a problem with dancing about architecture. I do it all the time.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    No, it is not like Auschwitz. Some dogs were killed at Wellsford. At Auschwitz, about a million human beings were murdered, or worked to death. Most of these people were killed because of their race, the others because of various reasons that made them unacceptable to the Nazis.

    Nothing is like Auschwitz.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts Report

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