Posts by Joanna

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  • Up Front: Same as it Ever Was,

    And then I had to get up, go back to the party venue, and squirmingly ask if I could please have all my clothes back.

    I once had to return to a boy's flat the next day to ask if I had perhaps left my skirt in his room (this is why I wear a skirt over my pants, Damian Christie!), and I found him sitting out with all his flatmates and I know exactly how thin the walls in that house are (because I used to live there) and I knew exactly how loud we had been. And also that I had thrown up during a rather key moment, which I blame entirely on the fact that I had been needing to throw up all night but the bathrooms at the Secret Garden were flooded so I couldn't earlier on. I'd always thought I had a great gag reflex before then...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: It is your right and duty to vote,

    Everyone come along to the Wellingtonista awards on Thursday night! It should be a good evening;

    I swear I'm not paying Jack, but he's right. Get your votes in now or you can't complain about the winners. Actually, you can't complain anyway, but I'm sure people will.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Up Front: Same as it Ever Was,

    It's being deeplinked by another site.

    In the olden days before flickr, often whenever I found a site deeplinking one of my images, I'd switch it to pictures of the consequences of venereal disease. Because I am a grown-up like that.

    I appreciate that I haven't told any good stories in this thread. For some reason I just can't think of any. But to make up for that, if you know one of my stories, please feel free to tell it here for me.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Up Front: Same as it Ever Was,

    Or perhaps the 'most redundant sex act' award? (Not to belittle your generosity or anything, Joanna).

    His father had died recently. My friend worked out my sympathy scale - dead mothers get you oral, dead brothers get the home run.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Skate Highway One,

    Well I for one am glad they chose to forge their own identity rather then feeling bound by pointless tradition.

    Hear fucking hear!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Up Front: Same as it Ever Was,

    I gave a guy a handjob once and then found out he was a member of the Young Nats. Man I felt dirty after that!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Up Front: Same as it Ever Was,

    I don't even know where to start on this topic. I'll have a think about it over the course of the day. Maybe others could just tell sordid stories about me instead.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Skate Highway One,

    Also, if you love Roller Derby like me, you might very well like to vote for it in the Fourth Annual Wellingtonista Awards as 'Best Regular Entertainment'. Not to threadjack or anything...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Skate Highway One,

    Honestly, it was totally edge of the seat stuff the whole way through, even though it was clear that Auckland was going to win.

    But that whole calling off the jam thing early - I know it's legitimate and all but IT SUCKS. PLAY IT OUT, PUSSIES! Exclamation marks and capital letters!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Field Theory: I was the only person…,

    There are currently three girls from Auckland in my lounge surrounded by much much orange and purple bunting, fascinators and banners. They're kind of impressed at our fandom. It's awesome. Tomorrow is going to be fricking fantastic!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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