Posts by Ben Austin

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  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    My new UK visa was issued on a separate chip + pin card, which also stops the Oyster card working, which surely is a subtle message from the No2ID campaign sympathisers embedded at Transport for London

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media7 will soon be Media3,


    I haven’t really had any reason to check any NZ channels barring TVNZ for some years, outside of the quakes, but I’ve just checked TV3 and I seem to be able to view 3News in London, without any special measures. So that seems to tally with your experience.

    I can’t see a NZ channel taking such a leap, unless the overseas audience is going to be reliably small, as otherwise the cost of serving such media would be rather costly. Actually, anyone have any figures on NZ tv on demand’s overseas audience figures, or the cost of serving such media overseas?

    I would suspect that the cost of uploading to Youtube (as per Media 7’s current approach) would be limited to the time it took to convert and upload video, alongside any time it took to create the show channel. I don’t think Youtube charges for channels that have low audience figures (or at least, they did not use to).

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media7 will soon be Media3,

    Great to hear you have managed to keep the show running on TV3. Now lets hope the geoblocking is not turned on!

    I can't say I've had any cause to try in TV3's case for some years but I guess I do now

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Muse: Postcard from London: Lines…,

    I also agree that the Soane Museum is one of the better London museums, although sometimes the queue can be a little long, but that is London I guess.

    The Wellcome Collection opposite Euston is also an interesting space, although perhaps not for the squeamish

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: MMP Review #2: Dual Candidacy, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    Oh certainly, it doesn't guarantee quality.

    I would prefer the other option of a Upper House that is a combination of a panel of experts and people with proven track records in whatever their field of interest is, to act as a house of review (rather than with say legislative power), but I don't think that would ever fly in NZ, as we tend to have a strong aversion to the size of parliament being increased.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: End of Days, in reply to Damian Christie,

    Whoops. Yes, I meant Hindsight. I blame the distraction of the London Spring (the weather, not the grass roots revolutionary movement)

    Pity that it won't be prepared for sale, but as you say, it wouldn't really be viable. Will it be put on a tv/web replay system at some point?

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Cracker: End of Days,

    Damian, is Heartland available for purchase, or if not, will it be made available later on?

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Hard News: Belief Media,

    Dunedin was a Free Church settlement wasn't it?

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: MMP Review #2: Dual Candidacy,

    It seems that at least part of the criticism we are seeing results from dissatisfaction as to what an MP is expected to do. Perhaps that could be addressed elsewhere, outside of the MMP review.

    The question of local representation vs. Ministers focusing on their ministerial duties is an interesting one. Perhaps we allow for Ministers to be appointed from outside of Parliament, like other countries do (either direct appointments, or appointment to an upper house, then to cabinet?). This may increase the talent pool, while reducing the chance that all MPs toe the party line due to a reasonable expectation of being rewarded with some form of office. I suspect though that most of us would baulk at that as we value the potential accountability that an elected MP Minister has (even if theoretical).

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: MMP Review #1: The Party…,

    Has anyone found if PACE have any more explanation of their adoption of the 3% recommendation? I've found a couple of mentions of it via a quick search, but they seem to be as part of either resolutions or a report. The second link gives a wider explanation but it almost seems to be taken as read

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1027 posts Report

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