Posts by andin

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  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    That's Bastardos took my Daily Show away. Or Bastardoes... possibly.
    Anyway, they haven't. It's just going back home, mkay?

    Hmm.... a titled superior pedant with a humour bypass.
    Now its not often you see one of those.

    There are a bunch of people there who turn up every day, and sweat their guts out to find and produce new stories every day, and I don't want to trivialise or ignore that. I really don't want to see anyone losing their job.

    Phew glad we got that out of the way. I want everyone to have job, in fact I hate that we got all obsessed with efficiency, thinking smart, time and motion, cost benefit analysis and all that. It's reduces a life to how it fits a system, and from there its an easy (too easy) step to the system is all important and people just have to fit around that. Tho' we have been softened up for this kind of thinking by a couple of millennia of religious subjugation. But thats by the by.

    Also the thing about TV work (unless you do production) it's the mental stress and strain which can make the job hard. Sucking up to reluctant story subjects, juggling peoples expectations and agendas, co-ordinating timetables, dealing with other peoples stress and worrying about deadlines, getting a balance in the story, not overstepping BSA guidelines, and all on a contract basis so job security always hangs over your head. Still some people seem to thrive in such high stress environments and some are just addicted to it.
    Anyway that's completely off topic and I think I may have given you the wrong impression, I dont care that much. If I like a program I'll watch it, if not I don't. Television is making itself irrelevant with it's ratings driven dive to the bottom. Independent public service television would seem to be dead in this country, and that is a tragedy.
    So can I suck up now? I like Backbenches and those occasional monosyllabic punters you stumble across are gold. And I've always wondered why we cant sort our problems out over a beer in a convivial environment like a pub. That's right some of us cant hold our drink or know when to say no.
    As you were...Right-O I'm off to play with my Tokomak

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    you'd fill your un-sold space with ads to boost the ratings of the place where your ads are selling... or something?
    Yes, exactly. They're called "house ads" and TVNZ screened plenty of them last year too.

    So the radio arm makes more than the TV arm? Hmm
    Could have floated the gorgeous visages of Graeme Hill, Mike King, even Bruce Hopkins around the screen.
    Damn now my preferences are showing.
    Thanks for the info.
    Anyhow John Campbell is such a talented man TV3 would be crazy to let him go. Perhaps the 7.00-7.30 is now the wrong place for him.
    Im now wondering where the follow the news with what was supposed to be an in depth look at news stories came from? Australia?
    And if it is still relevant? I dont know, but change is always tricky apparently, lest the sleeping beast grumbles. Apropo of nothing
    Lewis Black has a book out

    How if we could just find a place for funnyangry.......

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    (just guessing... not an insider in any media/advertising business)

    Me neither, Same company eh. So it was all ledger entries no money was actually exchanged. See a blip in the ratings exploit it.
    As well as exploiting to the nth degree a tenuous connection that can be wrought from the word "controversial" .

    Must be part of the meh!media.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    It rated well (for a late night show on C4), god knows what it cost though...

    Thought that's why they carpet bombed it with RadioLive ads.
    To pay for it. I mean.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    Why not be completely brave, transform Nightline into must-see late night telly rather than a showcase for young hotties?

    How well does John do scathing sarcasm, and using facts to point out blatant hypocrisy? Or pointing a gentle finger in the direction of human fallibility?
    Is he any good at voice impersonations?
    Can the reporters do Faux news stories, oh thats right they already do.
    Bastardo's took my Daily Show away.

    And no I din't comment on the tits.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    Until we have a clearer idea of how brain activity corresponds at a concrete level to the content of thoughts and beliefs, studies like this are simply one step up from phrenology. The location or otherwise of brain activity may or may not have implications for how we understand how different kinds of mental states interrelate, but right now we really don't know enough to say what those implications are.

    I agree. Much more research is needed.
    Anyway what was the topic ..oh yes.. How can a person who uses arguments you'd expect to hear from someone's batty aunt be a minister in govt and no one says BOO?

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    Nah. I want the good old Abrahamic version. Not one from some messianic goody two shoes nutter with voices in his head....

    All god is, is a voice in your head.
    The nutter's are the ones who listen and give it exalted status.
    The good ole Abrahamic version is just an earlier model of crazy.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    The latest from minister Judith Collins:

    Lets break it down.

    Stage 1: Starts out with an anecdote which supposedly justifies her position, and with descriptions of a horrific crime to soften readers up.

    Stage 2: Consolidates her position with sledgehammer use of emotive appeals, to think of the pain, the anguish, the suffering, the bravery in the face of mealy-mouthed liberal ideas that wants to just give the offender a slap on the hand and send him back to terrorise..... well.... obviously everyone (or is it just the decent law abiding NZers who could be potential voters).

    Stage 3:Throw a bit of hyperbole around "many families" "time and again" that sort of thing. Appeals to a nebulous "safety on teh streets" concept. Always a very good (but empty) high sounding strategy. Woe betide you if you get out of your vehicle in the wrong neighbourhood, a good scare tactic. Or you could be attacked in your sleep, another goodie.

    Stage 4: This

    In this country we have many people who have made a thriving industry out of making excuses for criminals.

    All together now "Goddamn bleeding heart liberals and bottom feeding lawyers"

    And this

    It's this acceptance that every crime is solely a crime against the state rather than the individual that I believe is at the heart of the situation we now find ourselves in.

    Eh! you mean all those judges have/had a secret unspoken agreement to protect the state not people. What have you been smokin'? As they say.

    Stage 5: The wrap up. A quick reminder of the opening of the piece, the horror, the horror.

    victims of crime are never truly released from their sentences.

    Not if your dead, no. Do you have reach beyond the grave Minister, is that what you are saying?

    Stage 6: The pay off .

    The Government has announced a three-strikes policy that will escalate the severity of sentences.

    Escalate is right, but not what you are thinking.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    Russell: My point is that if Minister and MPs say things in stupid ways, they will get criticised for it. If they say them in intelligent ways they will not.
    Annette's comment was incredibly stupid for someone of her experience.

    Ah yes the Experience/Stupid Thing to Say balance, so difficult to get right. In fact Im working on the formula as we speak.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    It does fascinate me that nearly as many homicides this season has produced no panic. And, indeed, that pretty much the same trends in crime just don't produce the same narrative as they did under the last government.

    Lets see if I can turn that into a mythic narrative, 'cos as James Cameron proved( up yours with your correlation) we all like to delude ourselves with a bit-o-mythic-narrative.

    The citizens of Nuevo Zealandia had suffered under the fairweather governance of godless liberals for 8 years. But their chance came and the citizenry rose up and with pencils(or were they marker pens stoutly anchored with string) cast the charisma-less usurpers out with nary a thought for their future, and wished them god speed to the wilderness of opposition.
    And thus their fair land was returned to its blissful state. Oblivion returned to reign with its new best mates FuckyouImahonkey and Wecanjustbeatsomesenseinto'em.
    Self satisfaction ruled the land, the summer was long and lazy, and lo and behold statistics mattered little as it meant the citizenry could just make shit up, be outraged or not, as took their fancy. And the court jesters otherwise known as the Scribes of the Moving Picturebox Truth Explainer (SMPTE) {(PCE) Present Co. Excepted} could have a good holiday and give their questing outrage seeking minds a rest.
    And everything was well in the land. And the Kiwiblog header(which looks like shit) became the polished turd.
    Can I get an Amen...

    Note to self........I must get day, not today.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

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