Posts by Alfie

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  • Legal Beagle: The Northland by-election;…,

    That's an excellent piece from Hooton.

    In related news, Winston states that he'll vote against TPPA.

    Peters says his party will stop the National government from passing the TPPA agreement.

    "Trust me I know what we're going to do here. We'll stop them passing this law.

    "It's about foreign corporates suing you as a taxpayer. That's a challenge to this country's democracy which has been going for 167 years.

    "It's about our sovereignty and right to make our own laws. It's no longer a trade deal. Worse still how can you pass a judgement on a contract you've never seen."

    This doesn't mean the end of TPPA. But if Winnie wins in Northland, the pressure goes on Peter Dunne. Does he want to be remembered as the man who undermined New Zealand's sovereignty in exchange for a comfortable overseas posting?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to linger,

    New Zealand, Swaziland: all the same to an American.
    (Wanna bet that’s the actual explanation in this case?)

    You're not far off linger. The actual list (bolded for emphasis) reads like this.

    **The List:**
    Astypalaia (Greece)
    Burkina Faso
    Canton Island
    Cape Verde
    Central African Republic
    Congo (Brazzaville)
    Republic Of The Congo
    Republic Of The Island of Crete (I corrected a typo)
    Czech Republic
    Dahomey (Benin)
    Danger Islands
    Diu (India)
    Guernsey (Channel Islands) (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
    Kampuchea (Cambodia)
    Kos (Greece)
    Manahiki (New Zealand)
    Niue (New Zealand)
    South-West Africa (Nambia)
    Tongareva (New Zealand)
    Trucial States
    Trucial States (United Arab Emirates)
    Zanzibar (Tanzania)

    So little old NZ isn't actually banned at all, unless you mistake Manahiki, Niue and Tongareva as alternative names for our country. It's another case of US confusion which could have been sorted with a little research from the Herald. I can understand how US postal workers might check the list and see NZ, but this is more of a ballsup than a conspiracy.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unacceptable failure of care, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    He definitely knows now, but whether he knew while the investigation was underway is not at all a given.

    You'd have to surmise that his mates in the force would be a bit slack if they hadn't had a quiet word with him very early in the investigation.

    Bart: On what planet does the alleged gang rape of a child not get priority?

    Or more accurately, the stupification and rape of 105 children.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unacceptable failure of care,

    The charges against that same "Prominent New Zealander" have finally been revealed.

    The man denies 12 charges of indecent assault against two people including two representative charges.

    I believe I'm correct in saying that until now, only "assault" has been mentioned in the media.

    The charges, which include allegations of touching the complainants on the breast, buttocks, groin and thigh, are punishable by up to 10 years' imprisonment.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: An unacceptable failure of care,

    The decision not to prosecute must have been difficult for the officers involved. Seven complainants, up to 110 victims, stupification and sexual assault of minors followed by online bullying and shaming of the victims.

    Nothing to see here folks... moving right along.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rugby has a problem, in reply to Bruce Thorpe,

    Nobody with any kind ofpassion in life needs any of this stuff.

    Is that so? I guess I'll just have to go through the rest of my life as a passionless but proud supporter of the Highlanders.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rugby has a problem,

    Ity must be tough to be a Blues supporter at the moment but I'll put my hand up... I'm still a fervent rugby supporter. It's the only sport I really watch in earnest, although I did catch the end of the last Breakers game which was a thriller. And I turned on the last hour of the NZ v AU cricket, purely for patriotic reasons.

    While there's a plethora of sport on TV these days, Super Rugby still has its moments as anyone who watched the Chiefs demolish the Crusaders 40-16 recently. It was like the Chiefs had been given ritalin, so great was their focus and determination. It was an excellent game to watch.

    So with some trepidation I sat down to watch my team -- the Highlanders -- take on the Chiefs at Waikato on Saturday. And what a game it turned out to be! Against all odds and despite a yellow card and two rather harsh penalty tries going against us, we actually won the bloody thing by 23-17. It helped that Cruden lost his mojo for the night, but the game's only real try from Patrick Osborne was a moment of pure rugby greatness.

    Yes, there is far too much sport being televised these days... but Super Rugby is not quite dead in the water yet.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    The scaremongering continues. I thought that Matthew Hooton had taken a more centrist position after escaping lightly from the fallout surrounding Dirty Politics, but it seems that he's still ignoring common sense and trotting out the party line. He's penned a (paywalled) story in today's NBR for which the subheading reads...

    The Labour leader had a choice to stand beside John Key or Mohammed Emwazi, Jihadi John. He chose the latter.

    So if you're not pro-Key, you're obviously pro-terrorism? Honestly Matthew, I thought you were a little better than that.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    Toby Manhire parodies Key rather nicely.

    I don't know what's coming but I know that what's coming is wrong, and it's outdated, and it's made up, but even if it isn't wrong and outdated and made up, which it is, it's based on stolen materials and in any case it's absolutely the right thing to do and, of course, we do it because, at the end of the day, terrorism!

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: To defame and deflect,

    John Key is still ducking and diving over the latest document release.

    John Key says new claims around intelligence collection are wrong - but he won't say why.

    He also says the GCSB is acting legally - but won't say how.

    And he says we are spying - but won't say on who.

    The Prime Minister has fronted media after a day of controversy caused by the publication of documents taken by whistleblower Edward Snowden while a contractor for the United States' National Security Agency.

    He refused to talk in specifics but said: "Some of the information was incorrect, some of the information was out of date, some of the assumptions made were just plain wrong."

    While our PM seems to be wearing his "slippery when dry" hat again, it's great to see the Herald behaving like a grown-up newspaper.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

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