Posts by Greg Akehurst

  • Hard News: Be careful what you wish for, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Russell, does that imply that around 10 million fewer voters actually voted? What was the overall turnout %? Also, how did Trump and his advisers know that the electorate would respond in the way it did, that white women would vote in such numbers for him, when everyone else appears to have missed it? Are they as surprised as we are?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Speaker: House prices and the "Magic Money", in reply to Russell Brown,

    Russell, in much the same way that the Bush administration used the 9/11 tragedy to launch an attack on Iraq (a totally unrelated party - but you know, they all look the same, right??), the National Government is using the real hurt the Auckland housing bubble is causing to attack another piece of lefty socialist legislation (the RMA) that is inhibiting the rape and pillage plans of their key supporters.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dotcom: Further news of the unlikely,

    Has anyone raised the spectre of "plausible deniability"? Or is this an issue that doesn't interest most New Zealanders, to borrow from the Key vernacular?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Busytown: School bully,

    For a wide range of complicated educational reasons, we chose to send our oldest son to Kristin Middle School (for Year 7 and 8), a private school in Auckland. Peter Clague, the Executive Principal wrote in the school newsletter last week, a brilliant piece on the high quality State education system, and the pernicious effect of constantly undermining that system by the media and their National Party overlords. He states; "Just as the nation's parents were starting to relax and enjoy a summer holiday with their families, melodramatic media organisations felt the need to inform them that their children's futures were going to Hell in a handcart". He goes on to say that even though New Zealand's independent schools rank very highly (in the PISA results from the OCED, he was referencing), New Zealand's independent school sector is very small compared with other nations. Why? "Because New Zealand is blessed with a very effective and high performing State education system." He finishes his piece by asking; "I wonder what the steady media diet of bad news stories about schools, teachers and parent choice is on the morale, confidence and trust required to maintain our world class education system?" This is the key to both National's strategy and our future as a society. National will get their way and sell off schools to their funders, meanwhile New Zealand's future dims as their poll ratings rise.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The First Time,

    First Free School Concert: Golden Harvest played the Northcote College hall in 1978 or '79, I think. They were pretty cool at the time. I remember some of the 4th form girls had "partied" with the band after the show and I learnt (at 13), what the term groupies actually meant!
    First Parent Chaperoned Concert Elton John at Western Springs in 1977 or '78, Mum helpfully pointing out that the pungent cut grassy smell was indeed grass.
    First Solo concert Kiss at Western Springs in 1980. School Cert had just finished. Mum dropped me off at the gate and picked me up later. Not sure I'd do that with my kids when they get to 15. Different times..

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: Did Holopac change everything?,

    You may wish to take the opportunity to encourage your government to get its head out of its ass on this matter.

    Given that "best in business" lobbyist Tony O'Brien from Sky TV has swipe card access to Parliament, I don't hold out much hope of any change to the governments head position any time soon.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie,

    Interesting and disappointing to compare and contrast this Police stance with Ross Meurants admissions in the Saturday Herald that he lied in denying Red Squads beating of Springbok Tour protesters dressed as clowns in 1981, and realise that things really haven't changed "deep in the forest" for the NZ Police.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 7 posts Report