Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • There are many ways to open a beer…,

    The guy in the Black T Shirt is Scotty and the girl is Nikki. The other guy is Wayne, and the other guy is an Aussie called Bazza. I'm pleased to see that the younger generation aren't dumb enough to open bottles with their eye sockets. It can be done but the chance of f#$%ing your eye is 50/50.
    Oh yes, I made up the last two names, the first two are on the video! I predict Nikki won't be around too long - she's too hot to waste her OE on ex-pats. Unless she's already decided London is full of metrosexual a-holes and she wants a real 'bloke'.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    you mean like if you were in a band and you recorded some demos but then after the demo CD was recorded you were out of the band cos the guy that started the band got a record deal based on that demo CD but then decided he wanted to be a solo artist and the rest of you oh well tough luck gee all I've got left to show for my efforts is this copy of the demo CD what can i do with it? oh I see now he's gone solo he's not only chucked out the band but also chucked out all the songs we recorded and come up with some new ones so i guess there's no harm in my placing these demo songs on a North American website to see, just for fun of course, how much money I can make. I'll just change the name of the songs and the band and say we come from Seattle originally but are now based in LA and probably no-one in NZ will ever know especially since Solo Boy has already crashed and burned ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Here's a question: where's the American anguish about their plummeting exchange rate? In a massively importing economy, shouldn't households be feeling the squeeze? Yet I can't recall reading any commentary of that nature.

    The sleeper has awoken?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I'm enjoying your posts Robbery but I think you can't see the wood for the trees. You're complaining about being required/forced to give two copies of your work to the National Library/Archive. I don't think it should be a problem in the greater scheme of things. When you press 500 CD's how many do you give away as promo copies anyway? Would you charge radio if they wanted one of your CD's?
    If the Govt Archive were to be req'd to purchase their two copies then I might be inclined to become an artist myself. And produce aural recordings of my body. And like all good art they would be limited editions, selling for $1000 a copy. By your logic the Archive couldn't deny me my retail price could they?

    I personally found you were shit at music journalism

    heh heh heh
    And you forgot to mention that he's got a face for the interweb. When he pops up on TV1's Breakfast the milk in my cornflakes curdles...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Ghosts of television past,

    ...quietly-spoken commentators (why *did* they talk so quietly anyway?

    I had a girlfriend once who used to get horny listening to the commentators on Pot Black. Those dulcet whispered tones did something to her (put her in a state of hypnosis?) and I discovered she was always ripe for sex afterwards. She wasn't aware of it, and I didn't actually like the show, but I always somehow managed to 'accidently' 'discover' it was on while flipping channels.
    I eventually started to feel bad about watching it (or should I say making her watch it) since I knew why we were watching it but ....

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    The coffee in Vancouver was better than the coffee in San Francisco, last time I visited. In SanFran I was telling my relatives how we couldn't find a decent coffee place and they of course insisted on taking us to the best coffee place in the whole of San Franciso, because of course like all good hosts they know all the best places.
    The place was obviously popular because we had to queue for a table, and it had a good write-up evidently, but omigod the coffee was swill. And of course I had to drink it, nod my head, and tell them how right they were, it was indeed the best coffee I had since arriving in San Francisco.
    BTW - in my post at the top of the page I neglected to give due credit to a coffee I had in Lyon, France. (If you are ever in France make sure you go to Lyon, it's like Paris [sort of] but cleaner and cheaper). I got it a McDonalds - the only place open at 6.30am - of all places. It was real espresso ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Remember all those business confidence polls over the past 5 years.

    People are suckers for polls & surveys. My favourite is when someone (ANZ Bank I think) releases 'results' from their tally of jobs advertised in the newspaper. They actually add up the column inches in the Employment sections and try and claim that as some sort of 'indicator' as to employment trends! And the media report it! Nevermind the growth in online ads or use of recruitment companies.

    'Business Confidence' is nothing more than the National Bank (I think) emailing it's business customers and asking them how they feel things will be in the next few months/years. And yet some of their 'business customers' may not be qualified to balance their own chequebooks!

    I bet if we polled fast food customers we'd discover that more of them are "planning to eat healthier in the next few weeks/months". This should therefore be attributed to the Ministry of Health's Eat Healthier Campaign and should also validate more money being allocated to the Ministry of Health's next Eat Healthier Campaign.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    But then there are all those saying it is broke.

    If we don't want to end up as a tin-pot banana republic in the bottom of the South Pacific we need to cast off the shackles of old thinking and embrace some radical new ideas to put us on the World Stage and be a Global Economic Player.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    I'm hoping to travel through the Americas sometime soon and am biding my time for my purchase of $USD. Hello, currency speculation.

    I'd suggest you buy half your dollars before Bollard's announcement on RBNZ interest rates on Thursday and the other half after. That way you hedge your punt - there's no telling what wacky stunt he might pull!

    I have a simple solution: We link Kedgley's desire for a review of the voting age to Marks' bill. You can vote at whatever age adult criminal responsibilty begins. Problem solved!

    Good idea! (But it was Bradford's idea, BTW) If you're old enough to vote you're old enough to go to jail!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Weird, as in the giveaway itself - or that it's hard to imagine much of an overlap between his fanbase and the stereotypical Mail reader?

    More the latter.

    'Tis method in his madness! Did anyone know he had a new album out before the world wide publicity about the giveaway?

    What would Jesus do ?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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