Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Copyright Amendment Bill latest,

    and last i heard, small print wasn't especially binding until somebody pointed it out to you

    Most people aren't aware of their rights, and are easily dissuaded by statements such as "it was in the contract". As is pointed out, a contract is only a contract when both parties realise they've agreed to a contract.
    </reality check> Who among us actually reads ALL the terms and conditions before ticking "I Agree" on the internet?

    Funny you should bring up The Simpson's On Drugs. When my child was still toddling and going thru the Noddy phase I was struck by one particular episode called "Noddy & The Magic Powder". The naughty goblins were distributing a magic powder to everyone in Toytown that rendered them incapable of doing anything except dance. They danced and danced and danced while the naughty goblins robbed the town. Obviously the writers were up to mischief - all it needed was a stomping house beat to make their point further!

    I also recently came across some YouTube vids of the old 80's TV Show Facts Of Life. It's a bit hamfisted but you gotta give 'em credit for taking on the subject of marijuanna use amongst teens. They talk about bongs, joints, roaches, and selling your Mum's stuff to buy drugs -- it's almost a "How To..."

    Tootie's Bong


    The Facts Of Life Stoned

    __(One of them even features a young Helen Hunt)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Child Abuse?,

    Hmmm. Well that didn't embed. Until someone at PA fixes it, click on the LiveLeak link above.

    FWIW - I think the girl is definitely on something. Police have investigated but everyone in the car insists they were just pretending. According to this story the Police are doing drug tests ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Child Abuse?,

    from the NZ Herald

    A 3-year-old girl remains dangerously ill in the Starship hospital after sustained abuse at a house in Rotorua, which one neighbour says included her being hung and spun on a clothesline and put in a tumble dryer...

    The allegations are disturbing and make you wonder if this an isolated incident or is society going to Hell in a handbasket? A fortnight ago in Texas there was a similar scare (of sorts) when a video emerged of what looked like a 3 y.o. on Ecstasy. There's debate (a good example here) about whether its real or not --- what do you think?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Official Cash Rate changes for the last 12 months:

    July 26: OCR increased by .25 per cent to a total of 8.25 per cent.

    June 7: OCR increased .25 per cent to a total of 8 per cent.

    April 26: OCR increased .25 per cent to a total of 7.75 per cent.

    March 8: OCR increased .25 per cent to a total of 7.5 per cent.

    January 25: there was no change.

    December 7: there was no change.

    October 26: there was no change.

    September 14: there was no change.

    July 27: there was no change.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    leaving banks the possibility of lending 100% mortgages for a deserving few

    Ah, there's the rub. This thread is full of damn communists!
    Who decides who deserves a 100% mortgage? The banks, or some state agency? And who's a better candidate for a 100% mortgage? The young couple who can't scrape enough together for a deposit, or the developer with multiple properties (a.k.a. securities) and a prior history of servicing 100% mortgages?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Kyle, if you're not willing to be part of the solution then you're part of the problem. When the revolution comes it will be fat-cat property owners like yourself who will be first up against the wall.

    Housing 'speculation' is no worse than speculating on the sharemarket

    No worse, and no better.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    Next you'll be saying we shouldn't privatise the water.

    I think it's time I called 'COMMUNIST!!!' on this thread.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Death Spiral!,

    The way out of this bind is to have low interest rates ... but do away with the idea that housing speculation is an acceptable source of income.

    Oh FO, please!! [I say that without malice :) ] Housing 'speculation' is no worse that speculating on the sharemarket. What are you suggesting? That we shave the heads of 'housing speculators' and frog march them thru the streets?

    If the Govt wants to dampen down the housing market they can pass a law requiring all mortgages to be to a value of no more than 75% of the property value. And if they've really got balls they can make it retrospective, thus requiring existing mortgage holders to pay down their mortgages to the 75% level. Which will require some (many?) to actually sell down their property holdings, which should depress the prices.

    At present you can get mortgages of 100% ie no money down; and I hear talk of up to 110% from some lenders (so you can do some improvements before moving in). Easily available credit is what is causing the problem.

    </aside> Good to see Mr Grigg is back online, I was worried he might be banged up in a Balinese jail.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    Kaeo has always flooded, it is simply that now we have insurance companies who like to bleat about this stuff.

    Okay, so why keep rebuilding in flood prone areas? Why should my insurance premiums rise to cover the risk of Kaeo residents who insist on building in flood prone areas?

    If we can accept the idea that Insurance Companies are not obliged to insure a teen driver who has already totaled three cars; why do we think insurance companies should be under some moral duty to insure a house that's been flooded three times already?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    Maybe we should run a pool to see which NZ news bulletin is the first to run indigenous stories with the banner "Wicked Weather" (or when). The overseas channels use it a lot and it drives me nuts. If the weather is 'wicked' maybe we should try dropping virgins into volcanoes again to appease it.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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