Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Radiation: Wigging out,

    Actor Denis Leary and musical guests Flight of the Conchords on Letterman.

    Looks like yet another week of re-runs - Dave must be in sunny Acapulco again.

    Still, at least we get to see FOC -- since Prime bumped it for the league last time (when the original ep was meant to play).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Evil,

    Oh yeah, as for the topic:

    I found the most interesting part of the DomPost story to be:

    But some police were uneasy with the way Dewar had run the trials. Top policeman Rex Miller was brought in for a secret internal inquiry. Mr Miller's inquiry ruled that Dewar had failed to investigate properly allegations against Shipton, Schollum and Mr Rickards and had deliberately wrecked the first two trials. Dewar was shifted out of Rotorua and the three policemen were given a dressing down for having sex with a teenager who they almost certainly knew was a rape complainant.

    For nine years, it all went silent.

    I think what we now need to know is how, despite all this 'uneasiness', Rickards still managed to be promoted up thru the ranks to become Top Cop?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Evil,

    WTF? Why am I left with the impression of Weston standing in a corner facing the wall? Get away from the wall Weston - your original comment was valid! PA is not a 're-education camp' surely? No need to denounce yourself!

    Like Weston, I thought banning Ron was harsh, but RB has explained his actions and the deed has been done so its moot.

    FWIW: I would have preferred RB gave some sort of warning first, so that Ron could have had the opportunity to moderate himself. And if he continued anyway, then its on him. I personally would hate to be banned without warning, I think its wrong.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    and I loved the gag on 30 Rock last nite when they walked round the studio (a la Studio 60) until they were back where they started:
    "Aren't we back where we started?"
    "I was following you"
    "and I was following you"
    "oh well, nice walk 'n talk"

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feckless Solutions,

    Maybe you need to go back to the last discussion here and take a take a good, long, hard look at child fatalities presented in UN reports on the topic. New Zealand has dropped massively in the last 30 years. Contrary to your "kids today" hysteria, the fact is "the kids today" kill fewer of their children than their parents.

    Eh? What 'hysteria'? I believe I acknowledged that

    every generation thinks their teens are more delinquent than they were

    and if this discussion has already been had, then perhaps we should all move along because (according to your UN stats) there's nothing to see here. Oh, but what's that RB?

    child homicide rates (kids are killed by their parents in the very large majority of cases) haven't shifted significantly. That's bad.

    Even if it's only one child murder a year, it's unacceptable. The point I hoped to make (but obviously failed) was that nothing is going to change until we all want it to change. And I still think my statement that

    There are no longer any boundaries

    is valid. People may know 'right from wrong' in theory but they don't seem to know the practical. Maybe we need to embrace the idea that 'it takes a village to raise a child' (without reverting to a Nanny State) a little more strongly.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    __ And I'm still loving Studio 60__

    I liked the political jokes last night. Very hip.

    Crikey! Don't scare me - I thought TVNZ had changed the schedule without warning (as they love to do) and I'd missed a show ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feckless Solutions,

    Seriously, what kind of a terrorist puts a baby in a tumble drier.

    One who sees violence as a normal part of life, I think.

    There doesn't even have to be violence, as another poster mentioned. Today's younger generation have been de-sensitised, IMHO. Yes, boys have always played with toy guns but most of them grow out of it. Not so anymore, they just move on to more 'advanced' (ie gory) shoot 'em up video games. 10,000 kids can play these games without consequence, but it's the one who blows a synapse in their brain somewhere that is going to cause a problem (and I don't mean 'going postal' - that's extreme).

    There have always been nutters and psychopaths in our communities but these days it seems that every kid has access to a wide range of information/entertainment that may not be suitable for their age. They can't really deal with it, but 'do' by becoming more nihilistic. (And yes, I'm aware every generation thinks their teens are more delinquent than they were).

    This is what is so sad about the most recent reported case. When Nia was hung on a clothesline and 'spun dry' no-one present said "this is going too far". There are no longer any boundaries, so of course it was logical the next step would be to actually put the child in a tumble drier. I have no doubt (altho' I'm not psychic) that when confronted by the cops these abusers would have initially just shrugged and suggested it was no big deal.

    I posted a clip on "Our Tube" (headed 'Child Abuse?') which shows some Texan young adults who also don't know what is appropriate care for a 3 y.o. so I believe it's a generational problem, not a NZ problem. Like RB I don't have a solution, and like the right wing pundits I'm still at the something needs to be done!! stage.

    Obviously we need to change attitudes, and fast. Why is that some poor countries 'tolerate'/encourage sex tourism, and yet their equally poor neighbours don't? It's because in one country they shrugged and said "what can you do?", and in the other they said "this is wrong, we won't stand for it".

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some things you may not know,

    </off topic>

    Some more things you may not know

    it appears that Tillman was not simply killed in a tragic accident by friendly fire, but killed deliberately by his fellow soldiers

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Evasive Mr Key Has 2…,

    Key's mispeak at the conference was a bit of a shocker ( " Labour's leader I will lead the next govt ..." ) but I do hope the political journos are going to lay off the "when are the Nats going to release any actual policy details?" type stories since it's doing my head in.
    They've said quite clearly they're not going to announce policy until the election build up, so why keep going on about it?
    Oh, that's right - the Press Gallery have taken bets amongst themselves to see who can be first to force the Nats to announce something. Just like they did with Benson Pope (see who could be first to force his resignation).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: RIP Aurora,

    Doctor Who's new season starts on August 19 with the Christmas special "The Runaway Bride"

    This presumably isn't the one Kylie Minogue is currently filming then?
    ie it's last years Xmas special?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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