Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: More Wikipedia Scanning,

    Yeah, my Sydney friend sold her Arch Hill 2 bedroom cottage for 300k more than she paid for it 5 years earlier at Easter. Kinda puts Kiwisaver into perspective!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Cure -- for what ails you,

    "we'll be back" robert said, and they were a year later with the faith tour, where boot boys proceeded to spit at the stage, (doing us all proud bless em)........and they never returned, ever.

    You reap what you sow. You sad tossers.

    Is it still good to be the best at something even if its being the best at being the worst?

    No, you sad tossers.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: More Wikipedia Scanning,

    and regarding Mayoral politics:

    as the last Auckland election showed, it really doesn't matter who the Mayor is -- it's the party vote that counts. The Mayor is the Mayor but it's the party with the most seats on council who will determine what the council does (and how ratepayers money will be spent).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: You're killin' me,

    The Butler did it .... in the Study ... with the Candlestick ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: More Wikipedia Scanning,

    I'll endorse the Salon article too. In answer to the last question it poses "what will happen next?' -- the Fed will intervene in the market by lowering interest rates to prop up the share market. Everyone was bailing on their shares because no-one knew how bad it was going to get. And bank deposits were looking more attractive. So the Fed lowers interest rates, making bank deposits look less attractive - driving people back to the share market.

    I bought a new house the day before the market 'crashed'. Bummer. A large part of the settlement was meant to be my share portfolio. Whereas 2 months ago my portfolio was 30k ahead, last week I found myself 12k DOWN. But I refused to panic and held on for 10 days as the global markets incl NZ continued to slide. And I did lots of research, and everyone seemed to think this was the big long overdue correction and nothing would get better soon, certainly not before I settle on the new house. So last Thursday I had to make a crunch decision, bite the bullet, and sell. So my paper loss of 12k became an actual loss.

    Then on Friday the market started to rise, on the back of the US Fed intervention that no-one predicted. If I'd sold this morning, I'd only be 4k down, and probably even better off if I waited til tomorrow when the US market re-opens and they take off again too.

    My point?

    'Little people' have no control over 'the market' and it really is a crap shoot. And it's not a 'free market' at all. If it was the Fed wouldn't intervene (and every country's Fed has been doing it). NZ is probably one of the few countries where we really do 'let the market decide'. What suckers we are. (BTW- Another NZ finance company just hit the wall today, Nathan Finance).

    Oh yeah, and now the housing market is supposedly in decline, meaning I'm going to get less for my current house. Bummer. That's another 75k down.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: You're killin' me,

    (the reason I'm pissed is cos I'm already recording Rescue Me on TV1 at 11pm)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: You're killin' me,

    Yeah, I spotted that too. BASTARDS!! As RB said, they are contemptable ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: It had a dog,

    I think we'll have to differ on this. I thought Hepburn's acting was overwrought and there was (IMO) no real reason why she wouldn't have handed the doll over asap; since she was obviously so keen to protect her hubby. I think the movie fell prey to the 'noble' idea that blind people aren't handicapped at all and are quite capable of taking on 3 bad people ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • __Conchords__ renewed,



    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: It had a dog,

    et tu Fiona?

    the 1967 thriller starring Audrey Hepburn, Wait Until Dark on TV1 gets an eight.

    Omigod! I just watched this finally and it was CRAP!!
    The Herald said it was a 'classic' but no, it was drivel.

    Hepburn is blind and her husband (its convoluted) was given a doll stuffed full of Heroin. So while he's out at working (all hours, as a photographer) the baddies conduct an elaborate subterfuge to fool her into handing it over. Neither she nor her husband know what's in it but they don't have it anyway (cos the girl next door nicked it - off blind Audrey!).

    But even when the girl gives back the doll Hepburn won't hand it over!! And the badddie doesn't even resort to slapping her 'round - he just gives up!! Luckily the other baddie isn't so nice and kills the wimp and then tries to burn/stab Audrey. And still she won't hand over this frikken doll! Why not?? AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

    The only good coming from watching this movie is knowing that it probably inspired the Scorsese's and Coppolla's to believe there must be better actors/scripts/ways to make movies ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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