Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Yeah. I'm going to take a timeout because I don't want to sidetrack the thread by getting male-defensive (as I've done). I think the Ladies are making better points ....

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    men are expressing their sexuality by objectifying women and women are expressing their sexuality by being objectified. where's the gender balance in that?...

    Women are now expected to be aces at work, perfect mothers, and gorgeously attractive into their forties...

    Competent and experienced female journalists are dumped because they lack the "shag factor" - don't take my word for it, Granny Herald reported it last week. And it's bloody offensive.

    I gotta agree with all 3 comments above, particularly "women are expressing their sexuality by being objectified". What rankles with me is the idea that it is men who have done this. In the 20 years its taken to go from young adult to old fart it's been my experience that is women who have sought to out-do eachother in the shagability stakes. And I don't think it's men who've been egging them on.

    I know its possibly a hackneyed debate, but it is women who edit and write for women's magazines, and have been doing so for the last 30+ years. And what images do they portray? Skinny super-young 'celebrities' or fat cellulitey 'look-no-make-up' celebrities. And stories about losing 10 kilos now, or how to spice up your sex life.

    Most guys I know (pardon my use of cliche) do not want to have sex with boy-thin chicks. Curveacious (sp?) women are just fine, thank you. But what do women do? Obsess about their weight and try to be thinner, prettier, younger, sexier. And drive us nuts in the process. </my wife excepted>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pills, not so many thrills,

    NZ will lead the world in progressive drug policy

    No, the Netherlands lead the world in progressive drug policy.

    Good luck, but I doubt party pills (ones that get you high) will ever be legal again. That's be because getting high is wrong, immoral, and should never be legalised. Party pills are the gateway to harder drugs. What's wrong with you kids, why can't you just enjoy a drink like everyone else? Liquour has served this country well for over a 100 years ... wah wah wah

    I don't believe that either, but as long as politicians refuse to abolish The Lords Prayer from Parliament you'll never get any joy with a progressive drug policy.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Must-have Mayoralty,

    Tamihere had a few right-wing slogans ... but, it seemed, little or nothing in the way of actual policy.

    As I said on another thread earlier this week, and as John Campbell pointed out last night: Mayors don't have any real power unless affiliated with a group that has the majority of seats on council. Voters get hyped up over who will be Mayor, but it's the majority on Council who decide which way a vote goes. So people should pay attention to the party that candidates are affiliated to (which is why I usually block vote Independents)(and yet always a wasted vote). If by some fluke Steve Crow was voted in (to Auckland City), he would be the ultimate lame-duck Mayor.

    Tamihere pointed out that 70% of Westies have to leave town to go to work, and said he thought Waitekere had gone too far with it's 'Eco-City' status. I think that's his platform.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    My friend's wife insists that if he's going to go to the strips, then he has to give the dancers a LOT of money. Otherwise it's exploitation. Don't know whether it's the soundest argument, but he doesn't complain.

    Why don't you get all your male chums together, and then invite the female partners to take off their clothes and dance for you? And you could give them money and see if its exploitative or not. It could be a fun night, a variation on the old 70s 'key parties'. And for extra fun the guys could give the ladies a strip show. You could be the DJ, Damian, if your body is less than toned ...

    Doesn't that sound like an egalitarian non-threatening sexscapade? (It's right up there with the sex therapist's standard: pretend you don't know eachother and try to pick your wife up at a bar)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    but then again ...

    "it might be raining non-stop here at The Island Paradise Resort now, but bit you shoulda been here last week. It was so hot and sunny we just laid the prawns out on the plate and they cooked themselves ..."

    So maybe the Judges, Bankers, and Sports Icons had all been in the night before ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    Ouch - patronising

    Your judgement (of me) is wrong. I don't think its patronising to suggest they were wrong in saying they were working in an upmarket brothel servicing Judges, Bankers, and Sports Icons when I could see (they'd invited me in!) they worked in a seedy massage parlour with clients who were so obviously not Judges, Bankers, and Sports Icons.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    BTW - none of the three I knew were the school 'bike'. All were 'nice' girls from 'nice' middle class backgrounds.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    I lost all taste for the enterprise when I recognised one of the strippers as a girl as an old schoolmate who had already been vilified as the school bike. She didn't look very happy.

    Me too, kinda (but about 10-15 years ago). I happened across 3 old school friends (from different years, ie unrelated) who were all either strippers or prostitutes. Far from being unhappy they were pleased to see me, took me 'backstage' and regaled me with tales of their marvelous lives and their upmarket clientele. Why, some guys were so great it almost seemed wrong to charge. But they did.

    Whilst I could see the reality of their lifestyle/workplace and they obviously couldn't; all they wanted at the time was not to be judged and for me to accept the fantasy of their statements. Which I did. One now works in the corporate mainstream, one went down for 3 years for her boyfriends drug dealing, and the other one I never heard from/of again. So she's the one I often worry/wonder about.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Nation: Ask not for…,

    okay, kidding aside ...

    I will acknowledge that there can be a 'seedier' element (ie very sad males, who let the gender down) present at female strip shows; whereas women (watching male strippers) are more about having fun and a laugh.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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