Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Random Play: With a little help from my…,

    Brunei is a lawless place where bandits operate with impunity beyond city limits. I'd suggest you stick to the 5 star resorts and not leave poolside (you're S.O.P . anyway, I gather). It might be prudent to go to Herne Bay and have pictures taken of yourself at the gate of the residence formerly owned by The Sultan of Brunei. That way, if you are kidnapped and held for ransom you can tell them you're a friend of the Sultan's and he will burn their village unless they let you go immediately.

    And watch out for the camels, they bite.

    <heh heh>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    <To do otherwise...>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    I've met Buckwheat a couple of times, and she (I think one should call drag queens "she" when they're in uniform) was graceful and kind

    Snap! (ie Ditto!)

    I've actually hired Buckwheat for a corporate function and was immensely impressed with the effort and professionalism she* put into the event. We definitely 'got our money's worth' albeit was private money and not taxpayers money. I have issues with (what to me are) obvious rorts such as the infamous 'Hip Hop Fact-Finding Tour' but as a taxpayer I can endorse Buckwheat/Edward's work and I have no doubt it was money well spent.

    You're right RB to highlight Judith Collins' pettiness in this story, but let's also spare a negative thought for TV3 who decided it was a story worth running. It wasn't and someone should have binned Collins' press release when it arrived.

    * I didn't know either until someone enlightened me as to Drag ettiquette: one should always address a lady as a lady. Do do otherwise would invite a frown, to do otherwise with malice may invite a punch in the nose.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    You've admitted selling a beastiality film. That put you in a new light to me.


    Yes Michael, I know how it is ... you suck cock once and for the rest of your life you can never deny being a cocksucker. C'est la vie.

    For those that don't know the story, you can find it here in Bastards I Have Met. Basicly: in the 80s when I was young and naive I thought I could get one over Rainton Haistie by selling him a grainy crap copy of an animal sex video (one I had been lent by a Police constable, no less). Haistie ended up having the last laugh.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Far better we examine the various power relationships, like I/O saying he knows past strippers who contribute to PA, making sure they know he knows - a little emotional blackmail goes along way.

    OMIGOD!!! This is sooooo wrong Michael. But seemingly not the only misunderstanding you've had this weekend. I was not trying to blackmail anyone (into silence presumably?). I was merely pointing out that while 'we' were all happily discussing (as we were a few pages back) the pros and cons of stripping (mostly the cons) there are people who have actually been strippers and may well be reading our lofty assertions/judgements with .... derision?

    Imagine if you will, that RB's wife was once a stripper (she's not, that I know of -- it's just an example). And here we all are discussing how strippers are exploited, they mostly end up on drugs, possibly falling into prostitution. Do we expect her to log on and 'defend' what she did in an earlier life?

    Anyway, I'm over this discussion, I've got nothing new to contribute. RE the sideline into Rap songs: I think someone was mis-titling NWA's Life Aint Nothing But Bitches And Money previously.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Interesting links Jackie. The "pole dancing lessons in a real strip club" offer begs the question: how long before the mainstreaming of raunch culture leads to "improve your sex life by learning the art of oral sex (and other tricks!) in a real brothel?". No doubt we'll be eased into that by first being offered "Spice up your marriage by learning 'massage' in a real massage parlour!" Ah yes, just imagine it: a few wines at two in the afternoon with ladies like yourself*, learning the difference between "oil or talc?", great fun for the gals ...

    The Santa Fe confessional is interesting too in that it's written by a man. It's well written and I don't dispute what he's saying but ... I wonder how long he's been working there, and what a woman co-worker might say/confess. As may be apparent by now I've tiptoed through the sex industry myself. It's all fun and exciting and 'edgy' when you start but after a few years you see so many different things that are 'wrong' that the gloss wears off and one day you wake up and realise you're standing ankle deep in shit. And realise people that have been there longer than you are knee deep in shit. And some are drowning in it, without realsing it. And others do realise it but have become resigned to the fact their life is shit, and don't think they're worth more.

    Okay, enough of the shit metaphor! The sex business does provide an opportunity to make a lot of money fast but my advice is to (if you're going to do it) get in, earn it, and get out. Most women go in with a 'Pretty Woman' type fantasy (I'll just do it while I'm young, but stay classy, live the high life with ALL that money I'm earning, and Richard Gere will one day carry me away to his mansion), but end up in a reality more akin to the gang-bang scene that closes 'Last Exit to Brooklyn'. (Yikes, a bit much for Saturday morning?).

    Mike Havoc, Georgina Beyer, and Steve Crowe in a Hot Tub
    (not sure who the one wearing the hat is)

    * I'm not referring to __you personally Jackie, it's generic __

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: The Road to Slobdition,

    The whole industry is advanced through making people take unbearably grainy photos in inappropriate situations, download annoying ringtones in ever more annoying quality, etc.. What on earth would they do if people just wanted a phone that, you know, made calls?

    Yup. Kids these days. In my day Mum wouldn't even let us use the landline. Now my 5 y.o. daughter gets rung up after school by her friend from school on my mobile!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Why is it more acceptable to want to have sex with one body type or another? Am I somehow a better person because I enjoy having sex with "fat chicks"? I think not. So therefore the fact that I may or may not really really like having sex with models shouldn't count against me either, should it?

    Well possibly yes, actually. I guess I am guilty of being judgemental. I think if you want to have sex with stick-thin 18-20 y.o. models who shave their pubic hair off so they can look even younger then I am going to think less of you. (But if they're neatly trimmed models with an appropriate BMI then by all means go for it).

    Which is weird because while driving down the Southern Motorway this evening and thinking about this thread I suddenly thought how odd it was that we were being so judgemental about strippers (they're exploited, or trapped in a power deficit) when ....

    ... there are at least two people known here on PAS (I won't say more lest I identify them) that I know WERE strippers in previous lives. Obviously neither has chosen to contribute to this thread. And why should they?

    So I'd decided to try and be less judgemental (and came up with an allegory/metaphor about dwarf tossing, which I can't articulate properly so I've dropped it) and yet as soon as I get home and log on I decide Damian's comment above is BS.

    Human nature, go figure ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    Does she count as a women in this discussion?

    Oh, FFS, should there be any debate? Of course she's a woman ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    I've heard a lot of people complain about the My Little Hooker range appearing in shops, but I've never actually seen a kid wearing it.

    heh heh. Come to Auckland! My 'timeout' was timed to go to my 5 y.o. daughters school and hand her over for a playdate (new friend). Whilst there I observed another 5 y.o. girl in a t-shirt sloganed "My Mother's A Pornstar!". Since I didn't see the mother I can't vouch for the veracity of the statement.

    Another assumption is that editors are concerned with the welfare of their readers. I think the facts are better explained by the hypothesis that those editors don't give a rats' about the happiness of their readers

    Or, possibly the editorial staff think more highly of their efforts than is evident. Like that guy from (environmental group ) The Sierra Club who now works for Wal-Mart (__"I'm fighting from within"__.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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