Posts by linger

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  • Speaker: A simple strategy for Trump to…, in reply to David Hood,

    rouge poll

    I love this term: suggests exaggerated influence of red-state rednecks…
    (or results entirely made up: a conspiracy theory to make one blush!)

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Polity: Is being a tax haven worth it?, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    Also relevant, Dunne won Ohariu by only a wafer-thin plurality last election, and needs desperately to strengthen his brand in order to be re-elected next time.
    This may be a good thing if it pushes him more into line with the average voter.

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Polity: Is being a tax haven worth it?, in reply to izogi,

    NZ is signatory to a number of reciprocal tax agreements whereby all that matters is that the other country has taken the appropriate amount of tax under its own system. Japan is one such case. However, these generally only apply if you are resident in the other country, and therefore unquestionably subject to its tax regime. So you might have fallen through the cracks of those agreements because you were resident in NZ at the time.
    Of course, the whole question of residency becomes more arbitrary when we're looking at company tax, rather than individual income.

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…,

    Note that errors aren't random: overwhelmingly they result in a headline or lead exaggerating the story. (This has been known for 30 years; only difference is, now we get more errors.)

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…, in reply to Martin Lindberg,

    seems a very good idea right now :-/

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…, in reply to Sacha,

    all too, true...

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…, in reply to Sacha,

    *headdesk* You do realise, in pursuing the personal (tone/ behaviour) over the logical (content), you are kind of supporting the substantive point that you started off opposing?

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    Were I a moderator, I would delete every single comment above about people’s Twitter behaviour (and then this comment, too)… There really is such a thing as veering too far, and too unproductively, off topic.

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…,

    At the serious risk of mansplaining... one of the pairings of ideological silos we seem to keep getting stuck in here is the opposition between "obesity is a mass noun(!), and we should concentrate on its mass, probabilistic, population-level real-world effects" (as maintained by Bart, Sacha, and others) and "obese people are individuals, and their feelings are real too" (as voiced by Danielle, Deborah, and others).
    Each of these viewpoints, pursued to the point of ideological purity, causes the other camp some understandable frustration; but (and I'm certainly not the first person to note this: see Rebecca, for example) it's not a competition, and any political solution will have to balance both the population-level and the individual-level effects. Continuing the discussion means recognising and respecting these differences.

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

  • Speaker: Talking past each other:…, in reply to Danielle,

    Just so I can be reminded of where I stand.

    Surrounded by respectful and fearful (if, and because, sometimes blundering) supplicants?

    ... And also, unreconstructed idiots like that NZInitiative audience member. From here, hard to tell which is in the majority. Going off now to re-read the "missing stair" thread...

    Tokyo • Since Apr 2007 • 1944 posts Report

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