Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Done and Blended,

    Bobo may just be flying kite but Bobo got nothing to lose. Bobo ask "What would Jesus do?". Bobo find way to find out ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Medium blog whisperer,

    I once heard someone on EnZed TeeVee say that the fog had 'envelope-d' (as in: the thungs u put lettuce into) the airport ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Medium blog whisperer,

    TiVo hell tonite: Rescue Me on TV1, at the same time as Nip/Tuck on TV2, at the same time as Letterman/Hillary Clinton on Prime.

    That film reporter from TV3 actually called Brian DePalma's new film 'Red--acted' instead of 'Re--dacted' (as in: to redact/censor). Woi cun't they spek propurly?

    About 10 people walked out of this afternoon's Telluride screening of Brian DePalma's Redacted, most during a horrific rape scene right in the center of the picture. The bulk of those who stayed gave the HD dramatization of the real-life rape and murder of a 15-year-old Iraqi girl by U.S. soldiers an overwhelmingly positive reception.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done and Blended,

    speaking as an observer also: that's a load of bollocks.

    More likely is that Bush will bomb Iran (Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran) and then stand back and act all surprised when it doesn't go as well as planned.

    Gee, how do you think moderate muslims around the world will re-act when we take out the Iranian military? With joy and appreciation for removing the hardline mullahs that have kept their jackboots to the throat of Modern Islam, of course!!

    Allah be praised and all blessings upon America!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Medium blog whisperer,

    This happens because the later episodes of the series will still be in production as the earlier ones are screening, so they need to take a break for a few weeks to let the production team catch up.

    Well, that's a benign view of things. The networks must love passive viewers who accept that BS. I have no doubt that they know how long a series takes to make (time is money afterall) and can surely manage to run an entire series without breaks should the choose to do so. But they don't.

    Some US critics are rankled:

    If NBC had any sense, they would hold the series till January ... and run every episode in a row without repeats, a la "Lost" and "24."

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done and Blended,

    "China, reeling over losing $10 billion in bad loans to the sub-prime mortgage collapse presently taking place, is going to dump U.S. currency and tank all of Capitalism with a Communist financial revolution."

    Er ... not until after the Beijing Olympics in 2008, methinks. (If they're going to).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Medium blog whisperer,

    what is it with TV starting the second season of shows straight after the first, and then stopping airing them part way through?

    I think you dropped a 2 there since it's only TV2 that do it. TVNZ wouldn't dare do that on TV1, lest a viewer complain to their MP. TV3 did drop 30 Rock midway thru but that was because it rated badly (really? everyone on PAS seemed to love it).

    Spare a thought for US viewers. Over there its normal to run a new show, stop after 4-6 episodes, play some repeats, and then continue with the new series. Which explains those 'catch-up' episodes - they need 'em to remind viewers WTF was happening!!

    But yes, it's a 'trick' we don't need to see here. Which reminds me: Nip/Tuck is on tonite at 10.30 PM on TV2 for all those that wondered where it went ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Whisky, suits, me,

    heh heh ... I have zero interest in Whiskey, so when that bit started I started scrolling ... I thought you might let us know how the Tenancy Tribunal thingy ended!! (next blog perhaps?)

    I thought I'd look the part: dark trousers, dark shirt, dark jacket, vivid blue tie -- I looked like I was Someone Serious.

    What about the hair Graham, the hair? Did you tie it back tightly in a ponytail, or let it run wild and free?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Near Future,

    Labour, under Moore, nearly won the 1993 election, and one of the reasons they didn't was Clark's backers downed tools in the last week of the campaign and did sod all. They didn't want to win under Moore.

    Whoa Nelly! That really is dark.
    And Clarke may well experience similar treatment from the Greens next election, if they decide not to prop up yet another Labour govt this time.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    i don't think i said that? don't think anyone else did either but am too lazy to go back and check.

    My apologies if you thought I was directing that comment at you Anjum, I wasn't. It was a general comment, part of my long stream-of-conscious, and probably directed at myself more than anyone. I do believe tho', that the gist of this thread agrees with the idea that sex workers by and large are exploited. And just because it's a generalisation (that sex workers are exploited) doesn't mean it isn't true. But as Andrew and Joanna have pointed out, there are exceptions.
    The one silver lining in my time working with Rainton Haistie was meeting the proverbial stripper with a heart of gold. She really was a sweetheart, I was quite fond of her, and she turned out fine.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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