Posts by James Butler

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  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Megan Wegan,

    The real question is, does the dishwasher come into existence at conception, or at some undetermined time between leaving home and getting your first mortgage?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Megan Wegan,

    I don’t have a dishwasher. Will I be cast out?

    Everyone has a dishwasher, it's just one effect of your general depravity that yours has failed to become manifest in the physical world.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Danielle,

    Does everyone else pack the cutlery tine-side down, or is that just my paranoia?

    I'm torn. My flatmate once failed to show the appropriate sympathy for my cut finger, pointing out that I had left the knives sticking up in the first place; but years of anecdata suggests that the best clean is obtained that way. I tend to err on the side of effectiveness over safety.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to recordari,

    Incidentally, also just encountered the term ’leetspeak’. My schooling is going nicely today, thank you.

    It's spelled "1337".

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Megan Wegan,

    Ah, I linked to the wrong thread, but it was.

    OMGWTF, there are people who don't rinse after washing????

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    Anybody with a dishwasher can take part in that conversation, though (dishwasher privilege!).

    See I missed out on that, having given up early on the thread in question; but when Megan mentioned it I just assumed it would have been about manual dishwashing, because AFAIC there's only one way to pack a dishwasher, and surely everyone knows it.

    Today's lesson: same privilege, different prejudice.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to recordari,

    Is this a bad thing though?

    But I fully-on-purpose didn't say anything!

    No, it's not a bad thing per se, but it marks the point at which anyone else who wants to contribute is likely to conclude that the ship has sailed.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Robyn Gallagher,

    Here’s an observation about the PA System community. After a while, no matter what the original subject, all discussion threads will end up being a small group of people chatting amongst themselves.

    Not sayin' anything, just sayin' :-)

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Hard News: #NetHui: it's all about you, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    But in my world cis and trans usually refer to regulation of gene expression.

    Not meaning to boast, but I remembered enough 6th-form chemistry that the first time I saw the term "cis" in this kind of context I k̶n̶e̶w̶ correctly guessed what it meant; and I've found it a very useful tool for reflection on my own (astronomical) privilege. Names are powerful things; having a name for something forces you to think of it as a thing, which is as important for things you hadn't thought of because they're the unquestioned norm as it is for things you hadn't thought of because you haven't encountered them.

    Also, privilege itself: once you've noticed it and thought about it, it has a habit of inconveniently popping up and informing your thought in places you didn't want or expect it to. Which is a good thing.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

  • Up Front: Life on Mars, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    I just hope it’s a return to form for the Listener of old.

    My understanding is that many of the same old wonderful writers are still around; but unless the editorial team has changed recently (has it? I wouldn't know, I stopped buying or reading it years ago) I have no confidence that the overall intellectual tone of the magazine will improve.

    I heard a 3rd hand story of a very talented journalist who was assigned "3000 words on why vitamins are good for you". He left soon after.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2009 • 856 posts Report

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